What's he going to turn into?


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You have any head on shots? From those pics I am thinking I am seeing a g-3 and 4 already on the right side, close together almost looks like an optical illusion looking at the far side, but think those are both on the right. The bulb at the end looks like he could grow another which would have him with 6 total points on that right side if he has brows.

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What's he going to turn into?

Only two pics I have. Looks like he didnt even pay the new salt lick any attention, but was just exiting the clover patch in that direction each time.

I know velvet can fool you, but he looks to have a lot of mass and an abnormal coming off between the g2 and g3. I think he'll turn into a real good deer

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Maybe it's just me from looking at MS bucks over the years and the angle of the pics but he looks like a typical 8 right now. The pics appear to be picking up parts of the left side confusing them to be parts of the right side. He does appear to have exceptional mass for this area. His right beam appears to be bladed between the 2 & 3. Time will tell for the rest of his rack.

As you know, these MS bucks are still in early growth stages compared to most other areas of the country. Heck, our bucks usually shed antlers during the 1st & 2nd weeks of March. That puts the beginning of antler growth here about a month or so behind most areas of the country.

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The pics appear to be picking up parts of the left side confusing them to be parts of the right side.

Thought the same at first Al, but after really looking close I think that is part of the close side, right side. First pic makes it really look like it cannot be the far side because of the angle, can clearly see the g-2 and 3 on the far side and that extra point on the close side as well. You can see the "webbing" if you look close in both pics and follow it from point to point, between the g-2 and g-3.

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What's he going to turn into?

Yeah I'm pretty sure that he's got an extra point on that right beam.

He may not turn into anything special, but I think he has some extra mass and plenty of time to grow some tine length. I'm trying to hold off on checking til the first full week of August. Maybe ill have a better idea on him then

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Yep...I see what y'all see now. An extra point coming out of the right bladed side between the 2 & the 3...cool!!! Hope you can keep tabs on him.

I should have some MO bucks to share with y'all soon. Put 11 cams out the 3rd week of June on mineral licks. Heading up there Thursday & coming home next Wednesday. Lots to do besides run the cams.

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Well, at least a nine, assuming he has brows. In my experience, points are developed simultaneously, i.e. if you see a G4 on one side, you'll see at least a nub of a G4 on the other side. Genetic pattern in your area plays a big part though. One buddy I have over in Knox county has deer that all have a weak right side. The last point on the right is always shorter than the left for some reason. Consistent pattern ever since we've been hunting his property.

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