Snipe hunting?? Need advise


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So, my neighbor...real smart guy, tells me about these little deers we got in the neighborhood. They're called 'snipe.' He says they're real small and fast. They only come out at night. It's illegal to shoot them, so you gotta catch them in a burlap sack (which my neighbor was nice enough to provide).

He says the key is you gotta be limber and quick, gotta keep your wits about you too because next thing ya know, you're not careful you can take a branch to the eye or something, ya know, cause it's dark and all that. So I've been doing yoga 3x per week and boy I tell ya, never been more limber.

Still though, I'm having a heckuva time trying to nab me one of these SOBs. I haven't even seen one! Thought I came close once, but that turned out to be a racoon. Thing bit me and I've been running one heckuva fever ever since.

You guys doing any good on the snipe? Any tips are appreciated.


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Rumor is there is a man that caught a snipe one time around these parts. He lives out on the edge of town, down a little ol dirt drive in a wooden shack. Been about 50 years ago. He can't give out too much information about the hunt. Not cause he don't want to though.......whatever that man experienced out there that night with that snipe changed his life forever. He makes it about 2 minutes into the story and then breaks down and just sobs uncontrollably then he'll just sit there and stare out the winder and mumble to himself.

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Awesome tips, guys! I have't tried slamming two rocks together. That will probably do the trick. I knew I could count on you guys. I posted this on the Mossy Oak forum and all those guys did was laugh at me.

Can you believe that!? One guy said snipes aren't even real and my neighbor is playing me for a fool. Hahahaha, well, jokes on that guy. What a dummy. Snipes aren't real he says...sheeesh. I can't wait 'til I nap one. I'm gonna have a good laugh at that guy's expense.

Anyway, in the meantime, namaste guys!

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Make sure you order a snipe call and a snipe decoy..... Sometimes it helps to put a flashing red light on the decoys head.

Gotta have an ozonics doodad, scent blocker head to toe, hecks energy suit, face paint, scent blocker, snipe call, trail cameras--stills, infrared, plotwatcher, the whole bit. Make sure your burlap is sprayed down and has carbon silver wire mesh lined insert. You have to have all of that in order to be successful. Snipe hunting used to be fun, but not now. Now you have to have all the latest tech stuff to have fun and be successful. You can't be successful unless you have all the latest gadgets. Don't forget your butt out just incase you get one. Butt Out 2 Big Game Dressing Tool | ShopDeerHunting

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Totally forgot about attractants. Yes, you have to have attractants like snipe in estrous, in order to be successful. Snipe mineral, snipe food (where legal), dominant snipe spray, gel, lube, wicks, snipe extract, snipe tarsal, snipe grunt/snotrwheeze combo, snipe rattling real and real life authentic bags, sticks, sheds. Gotta have it. Necessary to be successful. Oh, and snipe wipes, don't forget your snipe wipes.

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Skip the burlap sack and go with an old pillow case. I hear they like the softness of it.

Oh, that's only for the "Girly Man" type of will NEVER have a true Trophy snipe caught in one of those.. silky pillow cases..and don't forget to Video the hunt....of course you must have night vision capability in order to film..multiple camera angles are a must too, of course you will want a "sack" nobody knows just what they do when they are captured

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