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I occasionally will use a lighted nock but not nearly as often as I used to. No reason except it's not high on my priority list of items I take to the stand. Also, I'm far less likely to use one in MO because the odds of killing a P&Y buck are much better than MS. Anything electronic on your bow or arrow disqualifies you because it violates their fair chase rules. The only electronic devise I can think of that's not part of your bow that violates their fair chase rules (and B&C's) are trail cams that email real time pictures to your computer. I can understand their reasoning with that type of trail cam. I don't with lighted nocks.

Most bows with more than 60% (I think) let off disqualify you from P&Y. Sorry but they probably need to update their rules for the updated gear. I actually just had this conversation with one of my hunting buddies about this.

Actually you're wrong. The old rules used to be 65% letoff. The rules were changed back in either 2002 or 2003 to include bows up to an 80% letoff. Only difference is with a higher leftoff bow, you'll have a * next to your name but you're accepted into their record book. If there's any new rule changes within the last 2 or 3 years I honestly wouldn't know about them. I dropped my P&Y associate membership ~4 years ago. With the time it takes to even be considered for full membership and my age, there was no way I'd ever get there. I have some other reasons I'll keep to myself.

P&Y is just a club...not a public organization. Their club...they can make their own rules just like you could if you had your own archery club. You don't have to be a member or an associate member to enter bucks making their minimum record book requirements.

I've only entered one buck in P&Y...killed more bucks that would make it. JMO but too much trouble for what you get from P&Y. If I ever kill another B&C buck bowhunting I'd probably enter it in P&Y again too. You have some cool things you can get from B&C for a qualifying entry. P&Y sends you a piece of paper you can frame if you want to...that's it. No other options offered, even at an additional price. Last time I checked I think an entry submittal to P&Y cost you $35. Well that and you have to fill out the paper work and get an official P&Y scorer to score your buck.

Edited by Rhino
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Lighted nocks were developed for the video industry to better show the shots on camera. They have become a fad and an extra expense to the ever increasing cost of bow hunting. Sure they help in finding an errant shot. Other than that a good archer can see where he hits most times with good form and follow through. I used Easton tracers that a forum member gave me and they worked OK. Adding 10 bucks to the 25 dollar+ arrow and head doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense , but to each their own

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Yeah I'm not concerned with P&Y because of all the scandals they have brought upon themselves on subjective scoring if world class animals that appears to go beyond common sense.......

The lighted nock is just one more thing I don't agree with. I have several bucks that qualify but mine have been entered. The only way it would happen is if a true giant falls and that's because I'm honoring the deer at that point.

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" By the use of electronic devices for attracting, locating or pursuing game or guiding the hunter to such game, or by the use of a bow or arrow to which any electronic device is attached."

I recall them saying what their intent was for the electronic devices for "locating or pursuing game or guiding the hunter to such game" along with B&C's was the game cams that email you real time pics. Their argument was you could check you computer, see a book class buck with either pics or video, head out & cut him off based on the information. They went so far as to say other game cams where you had to physically go in the field to get the data was OK. Of course the ambiguity in the statement allows someone in a decision making position to change their mind about all game cams any time they choose.

The electronic devices for attracting game never concerned me because that would imply baiting which isn't legal any place I've hunted, except Kansas & we didn't bother with bait there. However, why the heck is an open trough feeder or a gravity flow feeder OK by fair chase & an electronic spin feeder unfair? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

With that same's OK to use a range finder as long as it's one that's not attached to your bow. Attaching one of those to your bow disqualifies you.

Here's the real bummer. Because of the ambiguity in the fair chase statement above, lets say you have 2 or 3 or more prior entries that were honestly submitted and accepted into their record book. You enter another buck that you honestly believed was submitted in accordance with their fair chase rules & later find out it from them it wasn't because of this rule's they can disqualify and remove all your prior entries. JMHO...if they're going to retain the right to disqualify all your entries for a violation of their fair chase rules for 1 entry...make the dang rules cut and dry so everyone understands them.

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