Maximizing your abilities.


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Was shooting the bow today with my good friend and hunting partner. After flinging arrows for awhile we started to compete with each other. During the day my buddy shot slightly better than me but once the sun went down and it hit that magic hour ( the time you better be on a deer stand ), I started to tear him up. My take on it... I spend the time shooting my bow not just during the middle of the day but at that time of the late afternoon when most deer are gonna be moving. I was so used to lower light shooting that he struggled to pound the deer target consistently. Any newer bow hunters that read this take the time to change up your shooting times... Might find something you need to tune up before its to late.

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Maximizing your abilities.

The biggest thing I learned, was that in low light conditions, the fiber wraps on my sight picked up so much light that the pin was blinding me while looking through the peep. I had to take some rubber bands and cover some of the wraps to tone it down some. After that it was amazing how much more I could see.

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