Rage broadheads.


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I've heard good and bad stuff about rage. It's just like anything else, do your research and see the pros and cons from other users. There's people that swear by them, and people who hate them. I've had a bad experience with Rage, so this year I'm going with Grim Reapers. It really is six of one half dozen of another!

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I think they are great for broad sided rib cage shots. I think they are less optimal when hard bones and hard angles are made. Shot them one year, bloodied up a doe that collapsed at ten steps, I got down and when I came back she was gone (my fault, brisket shot). Second was an 8 pt that dropped in forty steps but quartering away shot I only got one blade to deploy, exit hole was only about an inch wide slit where both blades folded up inside (one folded on impact).

I think they have made some improvements with the new hypodermic but I'm not shooting any more of them.

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Rage broadheads.

I used the 3 blades last year. Had a bruiser 12 point at 22yds. Put the pin on him touched the release and watched my arrow take off... Half way to him it looked liked my arrow was a jet fighter plane doing barrel rolls. One of the blades opened in flight and over shot the deer. Went home and threw them in the garbage. It wasn't the first time I had issues with a rage

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I almost tried schwackers but i ended up with rage this year. This is my first year with rage and im hoping it will go well. Everyone has different experiences with broadheads so try them out for yourself and see what happens. Last year my buddy shot a deer at 61 yards with rage and the deer only ran 40 yards and toppled over. But some people on here dont like em. So what works for someone else may not work for you.

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I don't like the schwackers. reason is blades open after penetration happens and if you don't get the head to pass through the back side you're looking at a very small hole and minimal blood trail. I've currently been shooting Rage heads. I haven't had problems with the blades opening up during flight or not opening upon impact. I will say that if stalking the original o-ring design will allow for the blades to pop out if they get caught up on brush or something. I've used double sided fletch tape to better keep them locked in but I haven't bothered with that in a while and do fine. when I get settled on stand i check to make sure they're seated on the o-ring well. I've had good luck and so far prefer them to any other mechanical. don't expect to shoot any mechanical head through ground blind mesh.

i'd say go with the regular 2-blade or chisel tip 2-blade. the 2-blade titaniums are awesome if you're filthy rich or get them cheaper than normal. that's what I use now.

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Rage broadheads.

My girlfriend shoots a 53lb draw weight and with her bow I have her set up shooting the grim reapers same as me and they work really well for her. I was a muzzy man and recently switched to the reapers. Tried a fixed blade off the girlfriends bow but couldn't get her to be accurate enough, made the switch for both of us and we are both happy with them.

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My opinion (and prob ruffle some feathers) any and all broad heads will do the job! Some folks want to blame something other than themselves for losing a deer!

If you blow a Rage head through the lungs and the blades don't open...still a dead deer!

If you stick a shoulder with a fixed blade head...no guarantee you made a fatal shot!

Point? Practice hitting behind the shoulder and shoot whatever broad head you want! ;)

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