Eastman Outfitters First Cut EXP Broadheads


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I just picked up a 3 pack of these on ebay for $9. I plan to try them out on turkey this year, I'll still use the Rockets for deer. Anyways, anyone have any experience with them, good or bad. Just seem like a neat little design and should do the jobon a turkey, if they get bad reviews from you guys, big deal, they were $9 lol.

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Re: Eastman Outfitters First Cut EXP Broadheads

my boys and i tryed them this yr. and took 5 deer none went over 40yrds good penertation nice blood trail if your bow is shooting 250fps i would use two rubber bands to keep the blades from opening in flight and the price was right i think at walmart they sell for $15 a pack just my 2 cents

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Re: Eastman Outfitters First Cut EXP Broadheads

i use the 2 bladed ones which i'm sure are the same ones you have. i love them. they shoot, for me, all the way out to 40 yards the same as if it were 15 yards. i've had nothing but good experiences with them. i'll be using them this year for turkey as well as for deer.

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Re: Eastman Outfitters First Cut EXP Broadheads

So far seems like they were well worht the $9 lol.

For the record, they are the expandable version with the cut on contact tip. They are not the standard 2 blade fixed head. However, hearing that their standard 2 blade head lfy sthat good gives me a lot of confidence in these guys

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Re: Eastman Outfitters First Cut EXP Broadheads

in my opinion and experience, you can't beat them for the money. i buy mine at wal mart for $15. at that price i can buy 2 packs for the price of one muzzy. i love them.

and yes they do fly like i said. i'm the kind of guy that likes to take my field tips off, put my broadheads on and have them shoot the same. AND THEY DO!

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