Groups at 30 yds.


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I am hitting dead on at 20 yds but am inconsistent at 30. Could it be because of fatigue or that I just need to shoot more to hold my bow steadier at 30? I did notice that after shooting awhile, my 20 yd is off but only by an inch or so. When I go out to 30, it seems like a shot or 2 will be good, then the next shot or two will be off. My guess/hope is fatigue but thought I'd ask thou guys who have more experience shooting than I do.

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Dunno, I am far from an expert archer, but if you are feeling fatigue I would think you may want to consider backing down your draw weight. If moving out gets you worse groups, start out at your further yardages you want to shoot first and then move in. Your consistency in groups should not deteriorate over a few shots. Always been told that bad form/habits form when you continue to shoot after you get tired.

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Groups at 30 yds.

Practice at longer distances, I practice at 50 yards. That helped my 20-40 yard shots tremendously. Makes them seem like chip shots!! And like stated above if you are feeling fatigue after a few shots you might consider turning your bow down some. I turned down from 71 to 63.

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I just shot a few shots from 20 and this is my group. I was aiming at the white circle right by my impact points. If I'm able to do this at 20, then that should rule out needing to tinker with my bow to correct it at 30, correct? In other words, if I can get this group at 20, I most likely just need to practice more at 30?

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If I'm able to do this at 20, then that should rule out needing to tinker with my bow to correct it at 30, correct? In other words, if I can get this group at 20, I most likely just need to practice more at 30?

I'd say both. Your windage may be off a bit. Hard to say from just 3 shots though. A little bit off to the right at 20 is going to be more at 30. If I have to adjust windage I do it after shooting at 30 because the error is magnified. I'd say practice until you shoot consistent groups and if you need adjustment from your groups, you'll see it.

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IMy guess/hope is fatigue but thought I'd ask thou guys who have more experience shooting than I do.

It's not that I have a group at 30 that is further off, it's that one shot could be dead on, then the next be 5 or 6 inches low and to the left, then the next shot be low and right.

Just guessing, but gonna guess based on what you have said that you may be having some issues with your form causing the inconsistencies in your poi which are showing up worse at further yardages.

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if you consistently shoot the same amount right or left at different yardages then you move your sight. in that case you "chase the arrow" with the pin. if you're say an inch right at 20, 5 inches right at 30, and then 12 inches right at 40 you should move your rest a 1/32 of an inch left. do this until your arrows hit close to the same right to left at every yardage. if you're nock point is high or low have some one stand behind you and watch your arrow. using binos can help see movement better too. you both should see your arrow make a clean arch through the air. that said shooting errors are magnified more the farther you go out. have a good archer or a "coach" from a good archery shop help you iron out your shooting. when shooting practice happens go out to the farthest yardage you feel comfortable with. shoot 3 arrows at that yardage then move up to the yardage for each pin until you're at your top pin. then move into 5 yards to see where your bow shoots. might use between 30-40 yard pins. stop at any point you feel you're getting tired, even if it's after a handful of arrows.

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Groups at 30 yds.

If your doing the same thing you will miss the same. Your equipment won't have that kind of variable. It's human error and most likely in poor form. It could be punching the trigger, dropping your arm, no set anchor point, shooting to much poundage, etc...I'd go to a local bow shop and talk to the pro.

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i agree with hoosierhunter it's probably you based on your last post. no worries. your shooting just needs some corrections and your well on your way to shoot better. like i said a good shooter you know and shoot with or a local bow shop can give you pointers or provide formal coaching. another thing to consider... one thing that i noticed coaching my wife yesterday was that aiming for too small of a dot can open your groups up, opposed to aiming for the center of a slightly larger target. trying to hold within too small of a dot is the equivalent to trying to hold dead still and not letting your pin float on target.

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How long have you been bowhunting? If this is all new, you cannot expect tight grouping at 30 yards immediately. It takes time and LOTS of practice. Maybe 20 arrows a day.

Years ago, I got my first bow just before deer season and swore I would never shoot at a deer over 20 yards. That following winter I joined an indoor 5-spot archery league. After shooting with others and finally developing a proper form, did my shooting improve. Shooting a bow is a lot like golf. It takes plenty of practice to form a perfect swing and before every shot goes straight down the fairway. If you practice with a bad swing you will never get it straight. same with a bow, if you keep doing the same thing wrong, you will never get the 30 yard spot. Go see a pro and have him/her watch you shoot.

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