Groups at 30 yds.


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Groups at 30 yds.

Just a helpful reminder here... I had shoulder surgery last August and by bow season I had really lost a lot of strength in my shoulder and was suffering from fatigue when I shot. One thing I did was cut out a piece of cardboard the size of my treestand platform and during a commercial while watching tv I would draw my bow and simulate being on stand ( good anchor, rock hard form, and I'd simulate the deer being below me so I'd bend at the waist ). I'd hold it as long as I could while being timed by the old lady and in no time I was building back what I lost.

If you are questionable on your form do yourself a favor and get someone who knows what to look for to watch you and make the adjustments he or she suggests.

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Said all along I thought the problem was likely with form given the posts you made. Could be something as simple as an inconsistent anchor or something like you torquing the bow or even punching the release trigger. Real good advice been given in this thread, hope you will take the advice and solve your problems before you take to the woods.

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Groups at 30 yds.

I spent some time at a shop yesterday. My bow was all tuned up, it was just me. I also got a new sight put on (longer, better accuracy). I am now at least shooting groups at 30 within the size of probably a softball. I have 2 more days off before season starts, so I should have it dialed in out to at least 30 by then. A friend often is going to put out some corn at about 20 or 25 yds from my stand. Things are looking up! Only problem now is that I busted one of my Nocturnals while shooting this morning, also. My grim reaper practice broadhead is dead on with my fieldtips.

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