Hey Adjam5


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Thank you Corey. I hit the big 49 :)...Let me see what I can dig up maybe take the cam to work tomorrow . The museum is coming along very nicely. I am currently installing the lighting supports at the lowest possible level on the site. 87' above ground. The Freedom Tower is topped off as is Tower 4. Tower 3 is a stump for future use and Tower 2 has yet to be started. They need the underground access that it provides for continued work on the train system below it.Here is one to hold ya over. It is a bit old. But a great pic none the less. I'll take some news ons this week.4272012wtctower1shuttleenterpriseflyhdSrr001.jpg

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Here is a pic of the south canyon and the south lower portion of the south tower that fell. The stairs to the right are the Survivor stairs that so many used to escape that fateful day. They were cut out and brought to the museum as a artifact. The steel hanging up on the back wall is also a artifact. That is a piece of Impact steel that was hit by one of the planes. 0806131027_zps89feae40.jpg[/url]

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