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I been hunting with my bow with a 28in draw. I figured out after researching that my draw is too long. My peep is to close to my eyes. I was debating on getting it restrung for hunting season this year. But since we so close I might just wait til after this year. What y'all think?

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what bow do you have? i'd bring it in and get it right. you won't shoot as well with it the way it currently is and you owe it to the game you hunt. you'll be kicking yourself if you miss a good one too.

some things to note:

peep being close to your eye isn't as relevant as that setup making your release hand slow low that you can't anchor it to your jaw (it's just floating in air). also it might cause you to run out of adjustment when sighting in your pins depending how you're anchoring the string to your face. your pin guard might be moved up to the point it can't go much further.

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