21st Year About to Begin


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My 21st year of teaching at my current school begins tomorrow. We have a new superintendent, new assistant superintendent, new treasurer, and a new principal. I'm teaching 6 different classes this semester. I have about 5 more classes to take to get my new license teaching special education kids. It was interesting to see all the current special ed. teachers come and talk to me. I'm learning a lot, and excited to get going, but I do miss parts of my life I had 2 years ago or so, namely hunting and getting ready to hunt. I knew I was in for big changes, but a lot of these changes have been tougher than I thought they would be. The good news is, it's a sizeable raise so my savings account for my own hunting land will be growing very soon. I just hope I can buy it before I die. :D Sorry about the long paragraph, but the return key isn't working again. :D

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Hang in there Chris! Keep saving and you'll maybe swing a new $8 keyboard. And just remember the period is working so you don't look like some of the RT members that are famous for their marathon 200 word sentences lol.

Hope your hunts are enjoyable and productive for you, few as they may be. :)

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Well on your way to retiring from the one school. So glad things worked out for you there. No doubt 21 years working one place is a long time in this day and age. Congratulations Chris, all the best with the classes and what hunting you are able to get in this year.

Did not know you were pursuing special education. May have some questions for you about one of our kids.

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