Realtree Ready for Deer Season Quiz


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Realtree's Ready for Deer Season Quiz | Realtree ®

....anyone take this? how'd you do? I got a 7 out of 10. Every one I got wrong I still stand by my answer.....

Question 2) most critical for a fall plot? I had the wrong answer of proper seed depth, opposed to time to plant. when I started planting plots I had some that didn't grow hardly at all because the seed was too deep. I think that would trump time of planting and optimum palatability of the plants.

Question 5) T or F? Sight-in your rifle for Nov deer season during a "hot muggy" day. I picked the wrong answer of false. The editor says you'll fight crowds and rush at the last minute. I call BS. I've shot rifles that have significant changes in point of impact and grouping during a hot august day compared to cold November hunting temps and dryer air. not saying you need to be a military sniper but i believe you should do your best to put that bullet exactly where you want it. Waiting to sight in doesn't necessarily mean i'm a slacker and half-heartedly sighting in my firearm.

Question 6) max distance a buck can smell you? I put a wrong answer of mile or more. Sure in many cases there's a lot going on that effects how your scent drifts downwind. over a mile might be pushing it. however, there are multiple reports from biologists out there saying otherwise at well over the "correct" answer of a half mile.

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Dude I bombed that one! Not even going to say how bad I did lol. Way to opinionated! I'm with you on #5, I'll be danged if I'm shooting a rifle in the hot muggy day in August, aint no line to get in at my lease to sight one in lol.

I also missed the food plot question. I say make it the right size. Different areas have different food demands and food source density, most seeds we plant are pretty forgiving on the time they are planted, but make a 1/4 acre plot as the only fall/winter food source in an area with lots of deer and you'll have a big dirt spot.

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Way too opinionated. I scored 70%. I'm with you guys....ain't no way I'm sitting at the rifle range in this humidity. The max distance a buck can smell you.....half a mile? Really? I don't know about that. I'll sit tight when I see a buck leaving the area more often than trying to grunt him back.

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That test is wrong. A buck can actually smell you from a mile away. Why would someone sight in their rifle when it's hot, by the time November comes around the weather will change and the rifle will shoot different, probably hit lower too because of the thinner air. And you usually only get one opportunity and a buck a day so shooting 1 arrow a day and making it perfect is a better choice you don't get 5 arrows to kill a deer.

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Yeah that test didn't seem right. I was 30%. I know some of those answers didn't make sense.
what I want to know is what it told you at the top that you should do. it told me I had to shoot my bow a little but I was well on my to be ready for deer season. at 30% I can't imagine it had anything nice to say. in all seriousness... tell us what you picked and why. I have no doubts you could prove a good point.
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It said I was almost ready, needed to fling a few more arrows and cut some shooting lanes.

Number 1 I got wrong. Deer don't typically move to fall/winter ranges here, at least not in early fall late summer. That is subject to area, here food sources change as ag crops around us come out and as mast crops start dropping, usually not until October. Really not a right answer for that one to apply to this particular area.

The one on the gun is wrong in my opinion. The shooter that shoots in the off season and makes minor adjustments closer to season if needed, are much more likely to be properly sighted in than the guy who goes out on one high humidity day in in the middle of the summer and sights in.

I don't think there was a right answer on the one on food plots either. If you plant at the wrong time or if you plant not at the right depth you may have no plants. If you plant too small a plot again your plot may get wiped out and no plants. Location is also important. All critical factors to a food plot working.

Max distance a deer can smell you depends on cirumstances. Wind, temp, and humidity all factor in. Then too you have to figure if the person's scent control efforts are at all effective, I mean a person who ate a philly cheese steak loaded with peppers and onions who did not brush or change his clothes after eating is much more likely to get winded at 400 yards than the guy followed average scent control precautions under the exact same circumstances.

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Yeah that test didn't seem right. I was 30%. I know some of those answers didn't make sense.
..well I don't feel bad then..i only got 40%...what cornball came up with those answers anyways?? the summer range right..half mile, grunt at him, and the treestand one..Im with you guys on a lot of these...several could be answered a couple waYS
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Realtree Ready for Deer Season Quiz

My deer do not summer with me and then leave. They just go nocturnal. They said seeing deer which I took to me visual and not using cameras. If they disappear from cameras then yes they are gone.

A deer can't smell me from 700+ yards no way. Maybe if I run marathon and then hunt in those clothes but I still doubt it.

Edited by hoosierhunter
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Most of these quizzes are tough to get a 100% because of the opinionated questions. But still fun to take lol
yea I figured it could spark some conversation and eye opening views. the problem I saw with the scent question is deer can smell a long long ways away under the right conditions, but it's subjective. at that point they don't really care what they smelled because they process it as i'm far away so i'm good. the deer still smells you even though it acts like it doesn't. also like has been said it depends on how much you're doing when it comes to scent control.
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We were setting up for a drive once, the standers were in place well BEFORE we were to hike out a half mile across an open field wind blowing right to the timber patch we were going to drive out..We did not even get close, we stepped up onto the field out of the crick bottom, as we started out to the timber patch, the deer came blasting out and headed quartering downwind to our drivers, which two bucks were shot..saved us at least a mile of walking

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OK I took the dang thing too. Did 1 better than Pat.

Lets see... #1...If I'm still getting the dang deer on trial cams after dark he hasn't moved to a fall/winter range. The author needs to learn about trail cams.

#2...Timing to plant depends on moisture. Had to re-plant before too.

#3...Given the limited choices, we agreed.

#4...The correct answer is all of the above, not one of them.

#5...I can shoot my rifle whenever I want without having to wait on anyone.

#6...The maximum distance a buck can smell you depends on the conditions and your scent control preparation.

#7...We agreed there given the limited choices. If he had given the option to snort/wheeze that would have been my choice. It's used by fewer hunters too.

#8...The author obviously believes in deer moving based on the moon's phase. Weather conditions have a far greater impact. that time of the year the deer are more apt to be on a late summer feeding pattern.

#9...We agreed

#10...We agreed too.

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