Has anyone ever donated an organ??


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My aunt needs a kidney and and I'm thinking about doing some testing to see if I would match but I guess im kinda scared :-) so I was wondering if anybody has or knows of anybody that experienced it and any good advice ...another thing im concerned about is time off work and cost but im sure if I would do something like that it would all work out ...thanks

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My younger brother Scott donated a kidney to my dad a few years ago, both were doing great almost immediately after the procedure. Scott was up walking around hours after the surgery, dad took a few more days, but the kidney functioned just fine. We lost dad to leukemia last February, but the kidney was still going strong right up till the end. It added years onto dad's life. An extremely selfish and unselfish act at the same time - selfish because Scott (and all of us) wanted to keep dad around as long as possible, and unselfish because Scott gave up a kidney to keep dad around as long as possible.

Scott was back to work within 3-4 weeks or so, but he has a desk job, which is not demanding on his body.

I hope all goes well with your aunt.

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Has anyone ever donated an organ??

I've had friends from the service and such need an organ transplant and some times everything looks great but their body rejects the donated organ and its another round of surgery to remove the organ and they are no better for it. It's a tough decision to make that's for sure and I hope the best for your family.

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No, never have. I don't think anyone would want mine, and I'm running out of them to give away. Bad joke, sorry. I've had 8 major surgeries, the last one last September on my liver, and like Ohiobucks said, modern medicine is pretty incredible. I'm pretty sure they can do kidney surgery with minimal cutting these days. My mom had numerous surgeries on her kidneys for stones, and she'd be down for a few months. Now days, you're up and around in no time. Nobody can make the decision for you, but if you're a match, and want to do it, don't let the fear of surgery deter you, it's really not that bad. Pray on it, search your heart and you'll make the right decision.

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