can you blow your arrows spin with out breaking the arrow


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i just bought new arrows to hunt with this year there gold tip ultralight 500 at .5 grains per inch. i seem to be having a problume with the ones i have been using to pratice with. them seem to take a wagon wheel circle on the way to the target. they hit where im aming but looks weird the way they fly, i can take one out of the box that i will use to hunt with and the will fly fine and straight.

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can you blow your arrows spin with out breaking the arrow

I've had that happen with my FMJs and it was caused by a bend in the arrow shaft.

If your shooting high poundage with a 5gpi arrow be extremely careful because that's how guys have bows explode in their hands. I think I read somewhere that at 70 lbs you shouldn't shoot less than 6.5 gpi.

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here's what I think because everything is "way out of whack". I've looked at and cross referenced just about every arrow spine chart that exists. i'm an engineer and just that way. I always use Easton's charts for sizing the correct spine. they're right on their website and they lay everything out there with no assumptions (point weight, cam type/speed, braceheight, overdraw, etc). at 28" draw, weight of 66lbs, assuming you're shooting a brace height over 6.5", and 100gr point weight those ultralight 500s are way UNDER spined. Goldtip makes a tough arrow which is why you haven't broken them, but like you believe you've probably broken down the spine on the ones you've been shooting. the spines are no longer consistent and probably weaker than new. that's probably why a new one will fly better. you should be shooting a .340" and .400" spine or something in between (ultralight 400s) and then your arrows won't have that problem. keep in mind broadheads can flex a shaft slightly more than fieldpoints too even at the same weight. not sure if you hunt with them. those arrows you've shot should probably be tossed in the trash. only a matter of time until they breakdown so much they break all together.

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