Found him!!!!


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I shot a nice buck one year and didn't find him till day 4! Hated not getting the meat, but was so happy to get the cape and antlers and knowing what happened. Mine was over a 1/2 mile from last blood. I got lost and just happened to stumble upon him. My arrow was still in his side.

I had a buddy that looked for 2 days and never found his deer. Two months later when the leaves were gone he found it about 10 yards from where he had been looking (super thick) - only 100 yards from the shot. It can be tough to find them in the early season.

Glad you'll get the cape and antlers - nice buck

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Found him!!!!

Ok, I don't see why people are bringing up last year and then making comments like "There wasn't much of an effort." The old saying goes: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I get the feeling that some people on here are super hunter, Ted Nugent wannabes, but some of us are in it for the fun and the challenge. I think it sad that there are people in here that can't just say good job and be happy for somebody. I get on here to learn and get advice about hunting, not to be put down. If you think you are the greatest thing to walk the woods, go join a television show. Consider this my last post on this forum. Absolutely rediculous.

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Most of us here have been through your situation, and are trying to be helpful, because we don't want you to go through this again..or lose another deer.If it did happen last year, then we have a pattern that needs attention right? Now , correct me if Im wrong, but in the thread where you told us about the swamp the deer ran into, did you not say, "Im not going in there"..or was it someone elses thread? Truth be told.... Most of us would have boot leather on the ground to help you look if we could.

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I've had my share of bad luck, I've made several seasons without losing a deer, I've lost two deer in one year, I was doing pretty good but lost an 8pt last year with a muzzy buried in his shoulder bone.

What you did not learn last year or this year that rubs folks (I'm guessing) is a lack of contrition. A tiny bit of that would go a long long ways.

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Ok, I don't see why people are bringing up last year and then making comments like "There wasn't much of an effort." The old saying goes: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I get the feeling that some people on here are super hunter, Ted Nugent wannabes, but some of us are in it for the fun and the challenge. I think it sad that there are people in here that can't just say good job and be happy for somebody. I get on here to learn and get advice about hunting, not to be put down. If you think you are the greatest thing to walk the woods, go join a television show. Consider this my last post on this forum. Absolutely rediculous.

Sometimes the truth isn't kind but last year the same thing happened and there wasnt an effort made. Why are other guys out recovering your deer? Maybe you had to work or something but your posts talked like you gave up that night and were asking about hunting the same stand the next morning. I know you went out and looked AFTER we posted about him being dead.

Most of us don't take kindly to what appears to be a lack of respect for the animals you try to harvest.

Keep that in mind.....

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Encouragement......not what it used to be.

Don't get it twisted Corey, look who posted their rear end off helping him to find the deer.......

I refuse to promote bad habits that keep rearing up. Slapping him on the back and saying good get em next time is for when things were done right and a bad result happened. That wasn't the case here. He took a bad shot, made little effort to recover and didn't show remorse for losing the animal AGAIN! We had this exact discussion last year.

Not holding people accountable is exactly what's wrong with our society.

He might be pissed off now but it's no different than last year. He will cool off and we all will continue to answer any question he has. We want him to get better. It's not personal, I believe in tough love over coddling....

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