Wife's new bow


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Picked up a new PSE Stiletto for the wife. Brought the bare bow home and got it all setup with new stuff and some of the accessories she had. She seemed to shoot it pretty good. She thinks it's pretty. I think it's pretty fast. It's basically a scaled down version of my Evo. Should put a hurtin on game this fall. attachment.php?attachmentid=13592&d=1377525494

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Well, have heard deer can't see pink, whether that is true or not dunno. Hope it works out well for her. My girls like pink camo.

LOL! My daughter was so worried that the deer could see pink that when she had her limbs upgraded on her Diamond Razors Edge she switched to green camo.

Great looking bow Dan. Hope she tags out!

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Good looking bow, congrats to your wife!! I've heard good reviews on it! She'll have fun!

I know you're not a particular fan of pink and it's not an Elite.... but i'm still surprised at how fast it is. I've got her shooting heavier .400 spine shafts, at 42-43 lbs, and with a 25.5" draw length. She's shoot it well too so it's not like it's unforgiving. I think the solid back wall helps. Speed is 320 fps with IBO weight arrow at 27.5" draw on paper. I haven't shot it through a chronograph (I don't have one) but I have no doubts it meet the speeds that are on paper.

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Cool bow for your wife! Who cares if it's pink...deer won't know the difference. If it helps getting her to practice and go hunting because she says it's pretty...great. Hope she puts the deer down with it this season.
that's what i'm thinking. I could careless if it's pink. this thing will flat out kill deer with little to worry about. if it gets her out, hunting and shooting with me i'm for it.
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