Lost my honey hole


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So this past Saturday my hunting buddy and i went to hang a couple stands on this piece of land that i have been hunting for 5 years now. over the summer I hung my trail cam and had gotten pics of a nice tall 8 and an 11 point. i was all excited about opening day. So Saturday we get out to the land drag 2 ladder stands back in the woods. i get to were my trail cam is and its gone. so now im freaking out and my buddy goes why dont you call the land owner and see if they know anything. so i get on the phone and call. the land owner then informs me that they are selling the property and that noone can hunt it. i ask her if she knows anything about my trail camera and she says yes that her son had gone and got it so that it didnt get taken by the new owners. so long story short i spent all summer scouting this area, had my biggest bucks on camera on this property and now 4 weeks before season i lost my honey hole and dont know what to do.

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not sure about land up more in the northern zone but down in Albany you've got the Pinebush Preserve. not far from latham. tough putting a cam and/or stand in there and not getting them stolen. I would go in areas of it with a climber. bow only being 4J, so potential for big bucks is there. during the phases of the rut is the best time when they're chasing around in there. otherwise they pocket up for too long during the day and you might not see much, as in just a few deer.

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