Mossy Oak Forums...........


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OK, first off - DON"T SHOOT!!!! shocked.gif

I know alot of pepople here, like myself, are die hard Mossy Oak camo users. So what brings us here to the "major competitor"'s websight? I started here because I like to talk hunting, and MO didn't have forums. I have gotten to know alot of people here and they are great! I love theses forums, they are the best on the web.

That said.....

If Mossy Oak started a forums section on their websight, how many of you MO'ers would join there and do you think it would be as good as this one?

I would join, but I doubt it would be as good. In fact, I would probably abandon them after the novelty wore off, just like I did with the Primos sight forums. (OMG That place is a mess lately - check it out if you can stand it!)

I appreciate everything that Scott and Realtree have done for hunters and for me personally (The team I was on won the the 2004 TurkeyQuest I won free camo and decoys - and I met some great guys from here at the Smackdown in the Adirondacks!) In fact, if I could afford to, I would replace all of my Mossy Oak with Advantage Timber HD.

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Re: Mossy Oak Forums...........

The Realtree brand brought me here ...the people kept me here. I'd probably check it out just to talk to more hunters, but this is still my "e-home." LOL

Okay, well my friend actually brought me here--and the Monster Bucks videos brought him here. So the brand brought me here indirectly. (Yeah, I know it's overly precise and I have to learn when to quit rambling on and on and on and on...)

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Re: Mossy Oak Forums...........

Definately it was RealTree Camo that brought me to this wondefull place on the web..... since that day i found a lot of new friends and have met some absolutely great guys from here ...

since im involved with 5 other sites another is just to much..

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Re: Mossy Oak Forums...........


My choices of camo have absolutely no connection with my participation here or any other forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

Took the words right out of my mouth. I have and use many brands of clothing and gear. I am loyal to them all.

I came here to talk hunting and in the process have made some lasting friendships! smile.gif After joining the forums in 2001 I soon realized it was a top notch place. I watched it grow to what is has become today. There is no equal in my opinion for a forum of this size. I have been to many and found a lot of braggerts and armchair experts at most. What I found here are people who for the most part are just like me who have a genuine respect for one another. I have expanded my knowledge in a way I could never have without this site. To read the trials and tribulations of sportsmen and women around the country and Canada is most enjoyable. To be able to share in the joy of success or the pain in failure is something you can't do just anywhere.

I would also like to thank Scott and the powers that be at Realtree who keep this site running in the absolute positive for all of us. I don't post as much anymore (need time to hunt you know),but hardly a day goes by when I don't stop to check up on what's going on in the Realtree forums.

Thanks for being here !

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Re: Mossy Oak Forums...........

Honestly I do have some breakup camo and it does work well, but for new purchases I only buy advantage timber and hardwoods, they do seem to blend much better.

As for the forums, there is no better than these and I can find the answers to any questions I might have rtight here. No reason to look for another for me.

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Re: Mossy Oak Forums...........

I was wearing RT long before I joined the forums. I saw Bill talking about the forums and I joined up the following Monday.

Ive been to several other sites but I just cant seem to take anything over this one. Ive spent way to much time and have to many friends in here. I come back countless times through out the day to check the status of post. I loose interest in other forums to quickly... Its kind of like having a couple of rent houses in addition to a home, you know where you'll always end up. If that doesn't sound to cheesy. wink.gif

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Re: Mossy Oak Forums...........

I have never used anything but Realtree since I strated buying camo. Two, Realtree Roadtrips is my favorite show. What brought me here was a question I had about the bobblehead buck. The warm welcome I got from you and NYbuck is what has kept me here. I have no reason to go elsewhere because someone always has an answer to my questions. Why leave when you have a good thing? grin.gif


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