Hiding on property with few trees.


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I bow hunt a piece of property that only has one big tree that I can get up in with my climber. I'm afraid that the bucks I see on my camera will bust me as they are passing down the game trail. Its kind of a unique hunting spot. Theres a swamp on one side of me, and some old apple trees on the other, and then it kind of opens into a field. The deer run between the trees and the swamp.

They seem to like to mingle in the concealment of the apple trees and the brush between the swamp. And then theres me up in the biggest tree there. I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. :confused: Any suggestions. Should I just go as high as I can or will they still bust me??? Thanks folks.

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JMO...but if they've been busting you in that tree, there's a good chance they've associated that position with danger and will continue to check it out for an odd lump in that tree. Needless to say it's very hard to blend in when there's little to no cover there to actually blend in, especially using a climber. No backdrop either for cover.

If it's the only tree where you can use your climber then my questions are: Are there other trees big enough where you can use a ladder or a hang-on stand? Is setting a tripod tucked into the limbs of an apple tree an option? Lastly...how about a blind...be it a natural blind or a pop-up style blind? Natural blinds are cheap and easy to make. Only problem is they aren't portable like a pop-up blind.

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I have alot of bucks running this spot Its only like 50ft by 30ish feet. One buck is a monster but I've only seen him once, and that was at night. I'm really hoping for this one 8pt who keeps showing up like he's checking on the spot or making sure no one is in his area. Don't you think my pop up will scare them also.

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We hunt a lot of thick pine plantation around here, after about 15 years the yes are tall and thinned out and there's little as far as limbs for cover. You gotta be creative at times. I've used artificial Christmas tree limbs, cut limbs to bring to the stand and haul up with a rope, anything at all to create cover where otherwise there was none. It can be done if you put in a little work.

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I've got a couple of spots like that on the property I hunt. Unless the deer have been conditioned to look up, they won't spot you ( generally), the others have given some good advice also. Yes try and hide you silhouette as much as possible, but also remember your scent will give you away first. Make sure your way into and out of your spot doesn't give them a reason to be alarmed!

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Don't you think my pop up will scare them also.

Not if it's a place where you can put it out in advance and brush it up a little bit. They'll get used to it if you can put it out ~a week ahead of time. Like I said earlier...you can build a natural brush blind too. Helps to have some zip ties and some electrical tape to help hold it together. Here's some pics of one I made some years ago using nothing but cut limbs, existing brush that was growing there, and a role of electrical tape. Whenever possible I use what's growing there & just blend a natural blind into it. It's an option if you don't want to put a pop-up blind there in advance. Nothing to steal.



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I have a ladder stand that I sit with a southwest wind. I face the setting sun and like you, feel like I stick out. I have had many deer around me and under me with no problems. I have had plenty of old wary does pick me out too. The tree has a lot of wild grape vines crawling up it so this year I am going to try a leafy style ghillie suit to help change my silhouette. May be an option for you too.

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Would probably look at finding somewhere to try to setup a ground blind. Sounds like you have educated deer, changing things up a little may help.

i would agree, the deer in the area are used to looking up at that tree, i think a ground blind brushed in might be the ticket on those deer. once they become educated i think they school all the other deer to look there.

my rule of thumb is if i get busted in a stand or climber, if possable il try to take out the deer just to keep it from educating other deer.

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Hiding on property with few trees.

Last year i had the problem with a blind and the deer seeing it. I hunt public so i cant leave it out and brush it in but lucky for me the doe i shot out of it was more curious than scared and stood nice and still trying to figure out what it was. If you're worried about spooking the deer with a blind and don't have the time to set it out ahead of time like was mentioned earlier a ghille suit or 3d leafy camo suit is another option. That way you can sit anywhere and blend in with very little effort and it gives you a little more mobility if the wind should shift. The downside is that you are totally exposed but hiding behind a tree or behind some bushes should help. Not to mention you have to be all over your scent control. I nailed a turkey with a bow this spring doing this at 15 yards and it was super exciting but one of the more difficult things I've done. Until I try it on deer this fall!

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I would try to create a natural blind at least as an option. All they need to do is bust you once with a few deer around and you educated an entire herd.

have at least an option of a blind in case the wind is NOT in your favor for the tree. I have had a lot of success hunting on the ground - specifically around pine trees. One year, the deer got so close I couldn't move without them seeing me. I couldn't pull back my bow and as soon as I twitched BOOM!! They were gone.

Advantages and disadvantages to both, but one time is all it takes in that situation and you've got either a herd educated or need to take a week off of that place.

One other option is put something in the tree that looks like someone is in there. They'll get used to a dark blog in the tree and won't think anything of it when you're sitting there "at the ready."

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I'm currently hunting out of a natural ground blind I made myself. The only issue I have with it is that I think it would be hard to stand up and pull the bow back without the deer noticing you.

I had 3 does at 10 yards and they had no idea I was there - But then again I did not stand up and pull the bow back either. I feel they would have busted me had I drawn back.

I love the rush of hunting from the ground.

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I'm currently hunting out of a natural ground blind I made myself. The only issue I have with it is that I think it would be hard to stand up and pull the bow back without the deer noticing you.

I had 3 does at 10 yards and they had no idea I was there - But then again I did not stand up and pull the bow back either. I feel they would have busted me had I drawn back.

I love the rush of hunting from the ground.

Practice shooting from sitting position in your yard.

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