Team 6 - Deep Six

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Team 6

What's up team, what's happening, how's the hunts or preparations going?

Going tomorrow to drop some cameras and fill the feeders, cutting trails and plots next weekend and planting in three weeks, I know it seems late but our season runs till feb15, ill be in the woods for first hunt Oct 18th. I can't wait !!!

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Our season came in the 7th of this month but have not been out yet. It's been to hot for me,I may try and get out a couple days this week and see what's going on at the farm, I'm still in fishing mode right now.

I hear that!!! Farmers almanac predicts a cold dry winter, I can't wait, but the fish bite is on rite now!!! Passed on shooting teal duck to fish the trout last weekend

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I'm here. Bow season starts the 28th but I probably won't be able to get out and hunt. Wife is about to spit our baby girl out any day now. Plus its still pretty warm down this way and I just can't get motivated when its warm out. I'll be headed to southwest Colorado on the 30th of October to try to fill my mule deer tag.

Good luck this season guys!

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You guys have any bucks on the hit list?

There's a buck I know that made it through the season last year, that I have history with. We had 3 encounters last year and he won all 3!!

He was a long tined 8 pt with a small kicker on his G2. I'm hoping to get some trail cam pics of him this year. I had him 25 yards with bow last year but shot never presented it self

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You guys have any bucks on the hit list?

There's a buck I know that made it through the season last year, that I have history with. We had 3 encounters last year and he won all 3!!

He was a long tined 8 pt with a small kicker on his G2. I'm hoping to get some trail cam pics of him this year. I had him 25 yards with bow last year but shot never presented it self

Hoyt woulda got him buddy

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