Team 6 - Deep Six

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I feel like an idiot, I got a button buck this morning and forgot to get any pictures because I was in such a hurry about having to get home and go to work tonight. Went yesterday and seen 2 but no shot, my dad got a big doe yesterday and then I got the little guy this morning at 8am, not a bad two muzzle loader days. Sorry bout the pics guys, ill make up for it in a couple weeks.

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Took my son out yesterday morning for the youth season opener. We had a nice high rack 8 (whom we have dubbed High Tower) come in but never gave us a shot opportunity. My son shook for awhile after that close encounter. That was the first good buck he has seen while hunting.

I leave for Colorado this Wednesday. Hoping to put some points on the board for us while I'm there.

After I get back me and the boy will continue our quest for his first deer. High Tower is #1 on our list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I blew it yesterday afternoon on a nice buck, grunted him in to about 35 yards and put one thru his gut. I shot at 4:30pm, and backed out quietly at 5:30. I went out this morning to hopefully recover him and found nothing...only my blood covered arrow. No blood on the ground, nothing. Walked up and down the creek bed a few times, went thru more multi flora rose thickets today than I have in a week of gun hunting. I have to work tomorrow, but will be back out Friday to look dome more. Feeling pretty low right now...

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Hope you can recover him Tom.

I screwed up too guys. I totally forgot to take pictures of my buck I killed in Colorado. He had 5 scorable points. All I have left is his head. He wasn't the buck I thought he was when I shot him. There was another buck with him and two doe. They slipped behind a knoll out in a hay field. I eased up to the top of the knoll, found the deer, whistled to get them to raise their heads.....and found the buck I wanted to shoot....put down my binos, picked up my gun....and at some point between that the buck I wanted walked to the left....when I found the deer in my scope I shot and was pretty upset when I got down to him.

I was in a hurry because light was fading fast. I should have just waited. Needless to say I was pretty hard on myself about it and forgot to take pictures with the buck before we skinned him.

Lesson learned.

I'm in my stand this morning. Had a deer at the corn when I got here and it spooked off. Not sure what it was as it was still pretty dark out. I haven't seen anything other than about 75 crows.

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