This time tomorrow...


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Re: This time tomorrow...


Me Too!!! Looks like we might get wet though.

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Yep. We only have a slight chance of rain tomorrow but the rest of the week looks pretty wet! Saturday and Sunday is suppose to be nice though.

BTW Rhino. Do you remember this gobbler I posted a couple of weeks ago?


You ask me if he had both spurs. Well...he does. I got him on video last Thursday and he has two HUGE HOOKS!!! We got about 15 minutes of close-up footage and they have to be pushing 1 3/8"...maybe joke! Just thought I would give you an update.

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Re: This time tomorrow...


BTW Rhino. Do you remember this gobbler I posted a couple of weeks ago?


You ask me if he had both spurs. Well...he does. I got him on video last Thursday and he has two HUGE HOOKS!!! We got about 15 minutes of close-up footage and they have to be pushing 1 3/8"...maybe joke! Just thought I would give you an update.

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Remember him just like an old buddy. grin.gif

Strange how pictures can mess with your mind eh?

Good luck getting that gobbler. Since your not on my team this year if you would be so kind, please shoot another gobbler 1st. wink.giflaugh.gifgrin.gif

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