Hit Deer


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Did you recover any of the arrow? That will be a good indicator of how deep of penetration you got. If you only had an inch or two break off the end, then I'd say he is still running around and possibly recover from it.

If you have about 6" broken off the end, then I'd be out looking for him again this morning. You should have at least caught a part of the lung and he will die. Blood will be minimal to none with no exit hole.

I've pounded all some ground before and had deer come back in that evening, it all depends on the hunting pressure they are getting whether they'll come back in quickly or not.

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Sounds like you hit the shoulder...which if so he'll probably be fine. Made a follow-up shot on a deer last year and ended up hitting the shoulder. We tracked him for over a mile, never laid an eye back on him, blood eventually quit. Deer are tougher than you think. Wouldn't hurt to check any nearby water sources...

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Hit Deer

I arrowed one two years ago and it looked absolutely perfect. Blood trail petered out but I started doing circles getting wider and wider as I went and never did recover him. 3 weeks later my buddy arrowed him while he was chasing a doe. Once I got there we opened him up and I could tell that my arrow went right thru that "dead zone" and didn't hit a thing. Turkeygirl said it right, deer are tough animals and I'm sure you'll run across that joker again.

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