New York State SAFE ACT Guidelines.


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You catch on quickly. Safe for the criminal I suppose. I am only allowed 7 rounds in my legally owned firearm but who is to say the bad guy is going to follow the rules.


load a magazine the other day and put only 7 rounds in. didn't realize how hard it'd strike a nerve and light a fire in my gut. to tell me that simply within my home I can't load more than 7 rounds in a 10 round magazine, when you damn well know that someone breaking in with a gun will have at least 10 rounds, or more if they have an illegal higher capacity magazine, is morally or otherwise wrong in every way. that's no different than governor Cuomo literally saying I don't care about the safety of you and your family in your home. He is a smart man and with all the controversy around the passing of these laws is clearly aware of the disadvantage, but instead cares more about his agenda of curbing even ethical legal use of guns. out of all the problems with those that govern, problems like this disappoint me most.

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We all know that this SafeAct is a royal PITA. Needless to say we are stuck with it for now.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. There was a video shot last weekend where they updated us on the lawsuit to overturn this. I cannot find it here but its on the NYSRPA facebook page. In a nutshell we will have our first decision soon. That will probably be appealed twice and it will go to the Supreme Court. Our lawyer in this suit is 5 for 5 at winning gun rights cases like ours. In the meantime, pray, spread the word, and talk to your legislators. If you havn't already, get a NYSRPA membership or just give to help fight the cause.

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That is just plain crazy. These politicians just don't get it or eh rather they do get it and they have plans to strip away our rights. Don't imagine that's going to help New York draw too many sportsman to their state. Yeah I can just see it now, accidentally load 8 rounds in your mag and now no longer be able to own guns because you did not comply. What a crock of crap

I am pretty sure that Tennessee as well as some other states adopted a policy that federal gun restrictions that might be passed under this administration would not apply here.

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We all know that this SafeAct is a royal PITA. Needless to say we are stuck with it for now.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. There was a video shot last weekend where they updated us on the lawsuit to overturn this. I cannot find it here but its on the NYSRPA facebook page. In a nutshell we will have our first decision soon. That will probably be appealed twice and it will go to the Supreme Court. Our lawyer in this suit is 5 for 5 at winning gun rights cases like ours. In the meantime, pray, spread the word, and talk to your legislators. If you havn't already, get a NYSRPA membership or just give to help fight the cause.

Joe, I am one of the original 1256 plaintiffs in this lawsuit. It is being brought forth by "We The People of NY".

It is in the third phase of court waiting for a court date. We are still holding onto hope.

Wish us luck.


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I haven't had a chance to ask around and look into it but does anyone know where or how to get repeal the SAFE Act signs? I've seen a lot of white signs with circle around NY Safe Act with a slash through it. are those the same ones?

These are two different signs. The "REPEAL THE SAFE ACT" signs are from SCOPENY while the ones with the circle are from North Country Friends of The Second Ammendment. - Home

I have the circle ones here in my shop for sale but if you go on line you can find someone probably closer to you. I'm selling these for $5 each with the metal stand.


Edited by LETMGROW
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thanks lynn

You are welcome. Anything we can do to help spread the word and keep people thinking is worthwhile doing.

Here is another thought I picked up at a meeting last night:

Start asking friends and family if they are registered and actually vote. If they aren't or don't, try to persuade them to do so. If each of us could get just five people on board we could take control back in this state and country.

We have the opportunity to do this if we would just put a little effort into it. We have to send these politicians packing and run them out of town. It might even be easier than we think. The power of the vote is the best tool we have to get this done.


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These are two different signs. The "REPEAL THE SAFE ACT" signs are from SCOPENY while the ones with the circle are from North Country Friends of The Second Ammendment. - Home

I have the circle ones here in my shop for sale but if you go on line you can find someone probably closer to you. I'm selling these for $5 each with the metal stand.


That is good to know Lynn. There was a guy in Adams selling them but he has not had them for weeks. Do you have them at the shop? I know people on another forum who are looking for a place to pick one up.

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You are welcome. Anything we can do to help spread the word and keep people thinking is worthwhile doing.

Here is another thought I picked up at a meeting last night:

Start asking friends and family if they are registered and actually vote. If they aren't or don't, try to persuade them to do so. If each of us could get just five people on board we could take control back in this state and country.

We have the opportunity to do this if we would just put a little effort into it. We have to send these politicians packing and run them out of town. It might even be easier than we think. The power of the vote is the best tool we have to get this done.


oh yea voting is the only way to fix things... you can't expect officials to say "ok yea I was wrong. we'll do things your way."

very well covered on that side of things though. my dad is an elections commissioner. we all vote. every individual should make an educated vote every chance they get. without doing so a democracy can't be run as such.

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that's a good point. I stand corrected. I don't think I had the wrong idea just the wrong word to describe it. i think the definition has been skewed over time and accepted as such. thanks for setting things straight martin. seems like we here in NY are only 2nd inline to DC when it comes to governing toward ridiculousness. many have up and left moving to other states. however, i'm not alone when I say this is where my family is and this is my home.

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that's a good point. I stand corrected. I don't think I had the wrong idea just the wrong word to describe it. i think the definition has been skewed over time and accepted as such. thanks for setting things straight martin. seems like we here in NY are only 2nd inline to DC when it comes to governing toward ridiculousness.

many have up and left moving to other states.

however, i'm not alone when I say this is where my family is and this is my home.

Best move I've ever made. My reasons were primarily financial when I left NY, but my quality of life is tremendously better. I completely understand your feelings about your home though. Rensselaer County & Northward should vote to annex itself!!

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Got three signs Friday night. If you're living in NY you should have one on your lawn.

When you buy one sign, buy two or more. You'd be surprised how many people will ask you where they can get one. You'll be an instant hero.

I have two on my front lawn, one in my shop window and a decal on the back window of both my vehicles.

Surprisingly I have had a couple people come by and want to buy a sign. In our conversation they said they don't own a gun but are very upset at the way the legislation was presented and passed.


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well, I can and can't believe this. I know they want to take our guns, but to stoop low enough to take a tragedy and use that for political gain, that is just wrong. there are far more kids dying of hunger in the us, and from abuse, what are we doing about that. NOTHING!!! no political gain. besides that the criminals already have their guns, they can't seem to enforce that law, so make a new one that criples the good citizens. yea that makes perfect sense. NOT!!n

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