Early Season


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Man it's been quite a productive early season thus far. Normally I don't hit the woods until around oct 15-20th but this year I did because the cameras showed mature daylight movement. Unfortunately I missed my top deer on Friday. Last night I passed one of my mature deer at 15 yards(one buck rule). He was all full of piss and vinegar scraping and tearing things up. Anyone else having encounters early?

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Only been out with bow in my hand once. Had three lil guys in range even had them get downwind for a little while, later on wind shifted blowing back into the woods and blew my scent in the woods and had a deer blow so gave it a little while and got down cut the hunt short. Having some neck problems and bursitis acting up, no way I could shoot my bow this past weekend so I went out Saturday morning and sat in a gun blind looking over my back field for about an hour. Watched 5 antlerless deer acting a bit goofy, watching towards the property behind us.

Kids have told me a couple times they have heard what they think is antlers clicking in the woods beside the house, been cooler, maybe?

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During the heat wave it was slow. My son & a buddy of his met us in MO early Wed. They didn't see much at all until Sat. when it cooled off. We weren't even getting hardly any mature bucks on the cams during the heat too. My buddy & I decided to glass bean fields for more stand locations Wed. & Thurs. afternoon while the boys hunted the best stands we had for that dang SE wind. I did glass a nice shooter class 10 point late Wed. with it being overcast & a bit of very light rain. Hung a stand there the next day. My son's buddy saw a big 10 point hunting that same stand Sat. afternoon after the front moved through. My son saw multiple does & 5 bucks that afternoon too but no shooters. He had two 3.5 yr. old 8 points sparing near him. Nice show. The next morning they had to leave and I tried to convince them to at least make a short morning hunt since the weather was right. They opted to sleep in. Their mistake. They got up ~8:45 & left around 10:00. Around 1:30 my buddy & I decided to take a break from farm chores & run 5 cams. When we got to the one right by the stand my son would have hunted that morning ~100 yards N of us is a 170 class 11 point we don't have on cams yet. It's 2:30 in the afternoon! We watch him for ~20 seconds before he turns & leaves. I pull the card on the cam and find this from that morning.


Too bad he's moving through a bit too fast blurring his G2 on the right & all his left side but he's sure mature. It's not the big one we glass at 2:30 but I think it might be this main frame 12 point we got Sat. night close to where my son's buddy was hunting Sat. afternoon.


Hard to say for sure though. One thing's clear...the cool front moving through sure got them moving!

Edited by Rhino
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Only a matter of time before you share some pics of one of those big MO bucks on the ground Al. Too bad your son and his buddy did not listen, if you took me with you I would do exactly what you told me. lol. Dunno that those are the same buck, neck and chest look quite a bit bigger on the first pic.

Got out Tuesday afternoon late here, had 6 antlerless in range, two of them walked within a foot of the bottom of my tree. Of those only two of the does were good sized that I might have considered, two were medium sized, one fawn and one very skinny doe that may have been nursing that fawn.

All indications from trail cams and sightings so far, our fawn crop this year is not good, probably predation getting a good bit of yote pics.

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Early Season

Yeah I've only been once with two small kids 2 and 3 months it's hard to get out during the week now so I go on the weekends and can't wait here in Indiana last weekend I went once seen 6 does but it was raining and muggy and hot it's supposed to be cool this weekend around 50 for sat morning so I'm looking forward to it! I've got one good buck on camera the other one is older I think but his rack isn't impressive at all. We got hit with ehd pretty good last summer so I'm hoping for a better year. Last season I got a doe but man it was tough and I only saw one 4 pt buck all season. Just a mile down the road where I hunt at my wife's grandpa found 36 dead deer in a creek and my buddy was out coon huntin and found 13 along a creek both last year. So we'll see!

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