Bow less right now!


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So that corner I said I was turning in bowhunting, with using a recurve. That might have been just u turn. Laminations in the limbs separated causing the top limb to snap and break. I take ridiculous care for the thing too. may have just been defective. Anyway, Cabelas won't take it back, because it's after 90 days. even for just an exchange for the same product. Bear archery appears to be closed for Columbus Day. I'm still waiting for my string set for my Evo compound bow. If I can't get either up and shooting by the weekend it looks like i'll be sitting things out. It's been less than a year so Bear should make it all good once I get a hold of them.

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Awe man that's no good, I was hoping to hear more on your recurve hunt this year.
i'm thinking in three weeks i'll have a replacement. return labeling and info is in the mail from Bear that i'll be getting in a couple days. until then I've got some other options that are compounds that I've lined up. the string for my Evo should be coming any day now too.
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Just go more primitive Dan. Get a spear, or make a bow, you're an engineer right? Don't let little things like that stop you. :clown:

Or even an Atlatls. They legalized them in MO for archery season this year. Won't see me using one though. Gotta draw the line somewhere. ;)

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somehow I think I won't be carrying around a blunt object or spear (Cold Steel makes nice ones... is it bad I've looked?) Deer will fall by stick and string. Besides this year I've decided on not talking about it but instead acting on hunting a bow only zone once the stages of the rut really kick in which is usually Nov.

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