this guy....


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We all know this guy,The guy in camp that....

- smokes and eats in the stand

- has camo from the early 90's that almost glows in the dark

- does zero scent control

- has no idea which way is north, much less which way the wind is blowing

- marks his trails with a million miles of flagging

- uses the brightest flashlight known to man to navigate at dark

- doesn't own a trail cam, climbing stand, grunt call, or rattling horns

But yet every single year shoots the biggest buck off the property. it just goes to show, luck plays the biggest factor in hunting.

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father in law

It seems that no matter where my father in law sits deer find him. The same goes with fishing. He can present the same bait in the same spot I just fished and pull a bass out. It's pretty frustrating because I can sit in a spot with a lot of sign everywhere and not see anything yet 10 min after daylight he has a deer. And yet deer camp is what I look forward to every year.

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I've never been part of a hunting camp. Mainly because I typically don't play nice with others when it comes to hunting.

I laughed... This is me to an extent. Fortunately have never had to be apart of a club. If I do, it will be with a few like minded people.

I know guys like you are talking about though. It's annoying

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It also shows that so much preperation is not needed in order to kill a deer.

Many people around here will simply hunt 4 days out of the year during the rut (2 weekends). They do not scout a single day, grab their hunting clothes that have been hanging in the closet since last season, load their gun, and end up taking a trophy.

I was one of those people until last year actually. Get up for the morning hunt - Grab the clothes and sit in the stand until 10AM. Head back to camp for some lunch and a couple of beers and head back out in the afternoon.

Its actually nice to not take it so seriously once in a while - It brings the traditional feel of what it used to be like back to hunting.

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I don't know that guy either.

I do know some guys like that, that have been lucky on occasion to kill the biggest buck. Never more than once though. 2 of those kind of guys that come to mind killed their biggest bucks off my stands though. All the guys I know that have been consistently successful killing big mature wall hangers are the ones that do their homework. They may not be as picky as I am when it comes to scent control or some of the other things you mentioned but they do their homework ahead of time and pick their stands to hunt when the wind is right.

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my grandmother seen deer every time she went in the woods, she would hunt one or two days a year and always a monster buck, she passed away last year, just before she passed she gave us her secret. (I wear my faviorate perfume) she said. I just had to try it, of course. the perfume turned out to be sweet pea body spray. I tried it, after being in the woods for three hours I had deer everywhere, I took my biggest buck ever. I have the body spray ready for this year.

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Not sure what others think but there is also always "that guy" who walks into the woods and kills anything that he sees. My girlfriends dad talked to his brother who hunts the same land I do... He told him today that I passed 3 does, a 4pt, and a 6pt this year and he said I am "living in a dream world." The same guy killed a small 6pt last year... If you hunt for meat why not just shoot the does. There are plenty in my area so that's not an issue... Each person in my area can take 5 deer. But they think its ok to take a 4pt... Doesn't make sense.

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While going back over your list again, I was wondering why a few of those things bugged you.


1) eats in the stand - JMHO but if it makes you stay in the stand longer, no problem

2) has camo from the early 90's that almost glows in the dark - It's a concern if you're bowhunting but not nearly as much of a concern if you're gun hunting & can kill them at a distance. Put that hunter in a blind or shooting house with a rifle & it's no concern at all.

3) marks his trails with a million miles of flagging - If it helps you make less disturbance getting to a stand no problem. Where I hunted in a club MS I never flagged a stand. Didn't need it. In MO we flag all our stands so when we have guest, they don't get turned around & blow deer out of an area.

4) doesn't own a trail cam, climbing stand, grunt call, or rattling horns - I was successful before trail cams days but I've always been one to do his homework. Although I own climbing stands I rarely use them anymore due to my age & I can get up a tree using other stands with a lot less disturbance. I carry a grunt call when the time is right but they aren't as effective as they used to be when they 1st came out with them. Same goes for doe bleat calls. I've never had much success with rattling in MS. In TX and the Midwest...yes but not in MS. Oh & yep...I tried.

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While going back over your list again, I was wondering why a few of those things bugged you.


1) eats in the stand - JMHO but if it makes you stay in the stand longer, no problem

2) has camo from the early 90's that almost glows in the dark - It's a concern if you're bowhunting but not nearly as much of a concern if you're gun hunting & can kill them at a distance. Put that hunter in a blind or shooting house with a rifle & it's no concern at all.

3) marks his trails with a million miles of flagging - If it helps you make less disturbance getting to a stand no problem. Where I hunted in a club MS I never flagged a stand. Didn't need it. In MO we flag all our stands so when we have guest, they don't get turned around & blow deer out of an area.

4) doesn't own a trail cam, climbing stand, grunt call, or rattling horns - I was successful before trail cams days but I've always been one to do his homework. Although I own climbing stands I rarely use them anymore due to my age & I can get up a tree using other stands with a lot less disturbance. I carry a grunt call when the time is right but they aren't as effective as they used to be when they 1st came out with them. Same goes for doe bleat calls. I've never had much success with rattling in MS. In TX and the Midwest...yes but not in MS. Oh & yep...I tried.

Doesn't really bug me, it used to because I spend my hard earned time and money, and this guy was IMO just plain lucky.

Now, we just joke about how "that guy" can kill and we can't .

Just something to talk about

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this guy....

Best deer hunter I ever knew wore wool pants, work boots, flannel shirt, and the same leather gloves he chopped fire wood with. Killed his limit every year and one was always the monster of the hill. His secret. Spend time in the woods watching and listening. We have cameras to do our work for us mostly but this old fart could tell you where a deer was laying and be almost dead on plus or minus a tree. Oh and he always used an old single shot smooth bore shotgun.... That guy

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I think that guy hunted with us this past year. We had a guy from Florida come up with everything that you said. Smoking, old camo, the works. First day he was there he called us and said man I got a huge doe. We get there and its a button buck. So he gets talked to and told if he does this again he is out. So the next weekend he goes out and around 10:30, you hear a gun shot and there he is calling man I just shot a monster man I just shot a monster. Nobody believed him until we got there, and shore enough he shot the biggest buck on our hunting club. Flipping sucked!!!!

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I've attended a few Buckeye Big Buck annual awards dinners where they used to bring up the top 3 deer hunters in each category to tell the story. I don't know if they still do that or not, but I'd like to have a nickel for every time a story started off with "I was just sitting on the tailgate, smoking a cigarette, and along came this buck..." Or another favorite was "I got to the stand a little late, so I decided to just wing it and try a new spot..."

Buddies and I just shook our heads and laughed. What else can you do? :D

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Well here's a short story of 1 guy the killed the biggest buck on our place 1 year.

It's during the MS rut in late Dec. and a former friend of mine invited his older brother to come hunt. Great fun loving guy! He hadn't hunted deer too much though. Everybody is scrambling to pick their spots for the morning and he said to his brother..."just put me anywhere"..."doesn't matter if I see a deer or not". He puts him on an old wooden 14' ladder that probably hadn't been hunted in 5 years. It's maybe 10 yards off a small food plot facing away from the plot. About an hour or so into the hunt he sees a deer moving his way. He decides to put out his cigar (yep). Looks and its a doe with a big 8 point in tow. Raises his gun and shoots it going by at ~35 yards. Biggest buck we killed that year. day he shot a button buck by mistake thinking it was a doe.

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