A proposed bear hunting ban in Maine.

Straight Shooter

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Guys and Gals, we need to step up and help one of our bretheren states out now, with voting on this topic. It's just going to be one more step for the Anti's and other yahoo's in winning for taking more of our hunting previledges away from us. Please follow the link and vote, it only takes a second. If you feel like it, read some of the post at the bottom. This will really let you know what kind of idiots we have against us. POLL: Should bear hunting be banned in the US? » Focusing on Wildlife

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i also voted and read some posts. you know, each and every state has fully trained wildlife biologists on their staff. when they say something should not be hunted, i'll listen. when they say something should be hunted more and raise a kill limit, i'll listen. but when my doctor or lawyer tells me i shouldn't hunt, i don't listen and i don't care. "well educated" does not mean they know what they are talking about on each and every topic.

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Yes, its pretty disturbing and totally burns my chaps to read what some of those hypocrites have to type. One post actually said Poaching needs to stop. What an ignorant rectum, that truly depicts the type of individuals we are up against. Then they turn around and say kill all of us, castrate us, electric chair, and so on, with this coming from Human Rights so called advocates. Sheesh! I would love to have a face to face with one or more of these idiots and prove to these key board morons what a real man is about.

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These people making some of the idiotic comments sound like they could be members of the Adirondack Park Agency. Do what I think is best for my interests and to H... with everybody else. Where do they come from? The inner cities. Their idea of an outdoor experience is to dress up in their preppy attire and go into the woods a quarter mile and think they are in a primitive land.

I refer to these yuppies as "Forest Fairies".

They have no appreciation for the eco balance of anything including the folks who have lived there all their lives and depend on the land for making a living. Over educated lot with no common or street sense.

These Maine natives are a tough lot. They have more skin over their eyes than the detractors have on their over weight bodies. Sure we'll lend a hand. I'll vote. I'm a little thick skinned myself.


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I was readin here this evening ans there is not a thing I can put into words for what comments are there.

Wish I could more for them guys in Maine.

I couldnt imagine an unchecked bear population or any typw of animal for that matter. Could you see the disease and with an animal likw a bear the run ins people would have? The more run Ins the more chamces for death you will have.

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