let it go or make a call....


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With the thread about bullying and facebook, kind of brings up a topic of discussion the wife and I recently had to deal with. Somewhat curious how others would handle this type situation. Not going to go into specifics about the details, but lets just say one of your children's friends makes some very serious charges to your child at school. Your child comes crying to you with the details about their friend and you let that child's parent know and they totally blow it off, child does have a history of lying that recently became known to you, but there is an obvious problem and concern for the child's well being due to the nature of the allegations. Does your involvement depend on the severity? Do you get involved by calling someone else such as a school counselor or the pd or do you let it go with having already brought it to the attention of that child's parent and mind your own business?

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I think it depends on the severity. Without you having to spill out the exact charges the kid made, I think you did the right thing, but obviously we all know with some parents you're not going to get the desired result, so then the school staff or the pd, again, depending on the exact nature of the allegations.

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a lie is a lie. the child is lying because the parents won't discipline for lying. the fact that the parents blew it off is not good. you did right confronting the child in front of his parents, and you can do little more. the parents obviously don't care enough to do anything.

that said, i would put it on file with the school. it's likely to have happened before and almost certainly will happen in the future. a child will only learn when told it's wrong and is disciplined for it. this child is learning to do what it wants with no negative results. you can help that other child by making a report AND telling the other parents what you did.

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Yeah Steve we did decide to go to the school counselor, figured that would be the best place to start. Also kind of figured there may have been underlying reasons for the kids behavior directly related to the allegations.

With whatever it became very clear to my wife and I that the kid needs some help.

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