Camo fading question?

Guest RJK

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What do you guys and gals do to prolong the life of your camo clothing. I wash mine in cold water w/ non uv brightening soap and air dry. I also turn my clothes inside out before putting them into the wash. What else can I do to prevent my camo clothes from fading?

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Re: Camo fading question?


Stay away from Bass Pro camo!

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Gonn a have to dissagree with you on that one John. i have some Redhead brand camo, in the original Advantage that I bought in 1996. It is fadded a bit, but considering what it has been through, I think it has held up amazingly well. The pants, jacket, and "flannel" shirt, are the only camo I used from 1996 until this season, when I upgraged to Advantage Timber.

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Re: Camo fading question?

The worst thing for any clothing is the dryer. Next is the washing machine.

It may sound gross to some but I NEVER wash mine.

Before you wince, hear me out.

I leave mine out side a good 4 to 5 months out of the year, 2 of which are before any deer season starts. I keep them inside-out, mostly but not always, to avoid sun damage and just let them get rained on and air dried over and over and over.

Now this is for my outer most layers, my coats/jackets, hats, gloves, pants, and boots (upside-down of coarse) I do not do this with my long jons or tee shirts etc, things that actually touch my skin (minus the gloves and hat, and face masks) get the laundry washing and then air dried outside... The only time anything sees a dryer is if they get dew wet over night before a morning hunt or are wet from rain and I need them to hunt in, etc..

My thoughts are that any mud, blood, or other things that would get your outer layers dirty are nothing more then additional camo. LOL

But really any mud I have had seems to wash right out. As long as the outer layer are not drenched with human sweat then this method works great. My clothing always smells aired out and fresh.

I have had the same camo heavy weight jeans, hat, gloves, and coat for almost 9 years now and they look brand new.

I will spray them down with scent killer and UV killer on occasion but basically just keep them out side.

This will not help clothing thats already faded but I swear by this and it works well.. wink.gif

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Re: Camo fading question?

i never had any problems with camo fading.. i have a set of Scentloc HD camo pants and jacket and they look as good today as they did when i got them 5 years ago....a little torn up but still very crisp camo colors....

i WASH mine everytime i sweat them up .. sorry im a scent control nut and it can be as many as 10 or 15 times each season... shocked.gif

cold water and air dry is the trick along with a non UV soap.... wink.gif

for you guys that dont wash your clothes , do your buddies make you ride in the back of the truck ? grin.gifwink.gif , with the dog ? grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Camo fading question?


for you guys that dont wash your clothes , do your buddies make you ride in the back of the truck ? , with the dog ?

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I know you were somewhat joking with that statement but some may think wearing clothing that has not seen a washer and dryer for a year is gross.

I swear to GOD himself, that my camo is as scent free and crisp feeling everytime I put them on just by letting mother nature do her thing. Late summer and fall we see plenty of cool weather, rain, and its fairly windy so my camo gets clean. Not to mention it does not get "sweated up".. crazy.gifgrin.gif

I swear by this. smile.gif;)

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