Youth hunt opening morning success for 12 year old, first deer


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Took our 12 year old daughter Nicole for the youth hunt opener this morning, was a good morning with a frost and wind perfect for our stand that I prefer to take kids to hunt. Nicole had opportunities last year during our youth hunt, but she chose not to take the shot because she was not comfortable with it even though it was well within her range

Had a doe about 190 yards out right at first light that stayed on the edge of the far woods and never really offered a good shot for her. Once it was good and light let out a few grunts and not 30 seconds later had a small doe with a little fawn come out in range, doe was looking for the buck that grunted. Was probably about an hour after we had legal shooting light, but she opted to pass them, a small buck also came out and chased those two off into a brush pile. He was decent on one side and a spike on the other, not what we were hoping for for her first deer and it was still early yet so she also opted to pass. Got some video of the buck I will try to edit and maybe load later on, he got within less than 30 yards and was all around us. Little doe and fawn eventually came back out of the brush pile and went on back towards where we saw the first bigger doe.

Nicole was cold and about ready to get down, I told her there was a good chance deer would still be moving if she wanted to wait just a little bit longer. Frost was just starting to burn off. About 8:07 Nicole tells me there is a deer. I could not see it, was on her side of the stand. It slowly made its way around in front of us feeding on the clover. I got the .243 up and helped her get it to her shoulder. She could not find the doe in the scope, the rail was too high with her sitting in the seat. Some turkeys were also out in the plot, doe was acting a little nervous, she looked up right at us as we were trying to get her positioned for the shot. Ended up having to get her to sit on my knee to take the shot, the seat she was in was just not high enough for her to shoot from the rail. Doe settled down and went on feeding her way across. I told her to wait for her to get broadside and flipped the safety off for her. She patiently waited and a few seconds after I told her "it is ok now when you are ready" she took her shot. Doe was probably about 60 yards out. She made a great shot on her, doe made it just barely off the field. Unfortunately I was not able to get video, had to put the camera down to help her get setup on my knee for the shot.


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Thanks for the congrats for her. I am very proud of her. And she is proud to contribute to the dinner table, and I know she is looking forward to some jerky out of her deer.

Pretty special for me to get Nicole out and her to get her first deer.

Another pic(exit side), did not take anything with me to clean up the blood and ended up with blood everywhere after dragging her out of the woods. Both lungs were a mess, bullet entered behind the shoulder and exited in the other shoulder, slight quartering away.


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