Age and score this buck?


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Interesting ranges - William is generally right on the money. Originally I was thinking 3.5 year old scoring 135 inches but I am generally a poor guesser which is why I posted this. Now that I have read these comments and viewed the videos a little more I'm bumping him up to at least 4.5 years old and closer to 140 inches. I hope the rut pulls him out of darkness.

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Lucky guesser usually Frank. lol. Got to try to take into account location. If that were here where a mature buck would likely not go much over 200 lbs on the hoof I would also be thinking mid to upper 130's, but Illinois your deer are a little bigger than ours, can be deceiving. Guessing his beams are probably close to if not more than 23 inches and spread at least 17.5 inches. Gotta look at both pics, got pretty good tine length too.

Hope you get him so we know what he grosses.

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He is definitely at least 4.5 years old but i'd stay in the mid to upper 130's for score. He is a little weak on his G4's, the G2's look to be around 7-8", G3's 5-6", probably around 17-18" wide. I got a 10 point very similar grossing 132". He is a great buck regardless of score, it would be dirt nap city for him good luck getting him.

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He is definitely at least 4.5 years old but i'd stay in the mid to upper 130's for score. He is a little weak on his G4's, the G2's look to be around 7-8", G3's 5-6", probably around 17-18" wide. I got a 10 point very similar grossing 132". He is a great buck regardless of score, it would be dirt nap city for him good luck getting him.

I agree. His spread is 17 and the mass is 3.5 average .

It just depends on what you have running around. If nothing else catches your fancy pass him, if you have multiple tags shoot him.

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Sure wouldn't be the first time my guess has been off. I looked at first with a phone and after seeing some of the other guesses had to come back and look again on the computer.

Dunno I may well be off with my guess, would not be the first time and surely won't be the last but I am maintaining my guess that it is a mature deer, at least 4.5. Also think with comparing to the eye size that the mass measurements will be better than 4 inches for a few of the measurements, no doubt those bases are more than 3.5 inches. 2's look to me to be close to 9 inches. Split brow on the right will add a few inches too if you score as non typical, no?

Good luck with him Frank, with whatever he may score that buck would be a wallhanger here for sure.

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I have a question, other than mature, how do you know how old he is? I'm pretty sure out of all the wildlife classes offered never attended one that taught how to age a deer on the hoof, did take one on tooth wear, and there's still questions about that method.

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I have a question, other than mature, how do you know how old he is? I'm pretty sure out of all the wildlife classes offered never attended one that taught how to age a deer on the hoof, did take one on tooth wear, and there's still questions about that method.

You really don't. Then too "mature" seems to be somewhat subject to who is using the term, what is mature 4.5, 5.5? When we talked with the deer biologist at UT Knoxville a couple weeks ago for my daughter's college tour there I wanted to ask her some questions on this very topic but our time was cut short. I look forward to the time after she takes those classes and is able to teach me more.

Jawbone and tooth wear are no doubt the best methods, kind of hard to do on a walking deer that only appears in front of a camera so that leaves people to guessing based on certain methods they may know. Have read articles and looked at deer and later compared teeth with deer we have taken. Generally look at body shape and take into account the time of the year when attempting to guess a deer's age here. This has been fairly consistent with what we see Field Judging Bucks, Tennessee's #1 Deer Hunting Web Site :: The Best Campfire On The Internet ::.

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I have a question, other than mature, how do you know how old he is? I'm pretty sure out of all the wildlife classes offered never attended one that taught how to age a deer on the hoof, did take one on tooth wear, and there's still questions about that method.
not sure about others but when judging a deer on the hoof i'm looking at 7 different things in those pictures that were posted and non of them have anything to do with the rack; frontal skull width and profile, side skull profile and size, neck size and taper into brisket/shoulders, front shoulder mass, hind quarter profile and mass, depth of body compared to leg length, depth of body and taper (if any) just in front of back legs, back profile, and gut profile. all this in relation to time of year (stage of rutting activity) and how much weight loss my have taken place. I guess that's more than 7 but yea. the idea is just like people: everybody is built slightly different or burlier than others, but if you look at someone as a whole you get an idea of how old they are. mass, beam length, and spread can help with your decision, but it's easy to have blinded judgment when seeing an abnormally large rack. ;)
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That's a good philosphy, but I hunt in souther KS, within 2 miles, there was soybeans, milo, and corn. Most of the bucks I have seen have pot bellies, and a roman nose, and I'm pretty sure their not 5 1/2 for the simple fact I've passed em up last year! 4 1/2 maybe, more likely 3 1/2. I don't believe individuals can age on the hoof as accurately as they'd like to believe, for the simple fact, there's way more variables playing into effect than what they know. 3/4 of the shows, where their aging deer on the hoof is set in a controlled enviroment.Take these for example, you'd say the middle one is obviously older because of the mass, and signactly larger skull, right? Wrong, their all 3 1/2 olds. They all come from the same area, so nutrient does not have alot to do with it.


Now hunter's that have hunted their areas long enough to get a good managment program, will have a good idea what there is in the area, simply because you've hunted it the past 10 years. Trail cam pics, passing them up, will kind of let you get a feel on what's in the area. I worked a check station pulling jaw bones on opening weekend, 3/4 of the hunter's KNEW how old the buck was, but GO AHEAD, and pull it. Well, pretty much all of em was wrong. BTW, if you don't think he has mass, his H1 and H3 on his left beam measures 5 1/2 inches, meaning the circumference between his G2 and 3 is the same as his base.


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Take these for example, you'd say the middle one is obviously older because of the mass, and signactly larger skull, right? Wrong, their all 3 1/2 olds. They all come from the same area, so nutrient does not have alot to do with it.


Cannot speak for anyone else, but me personally I do NOT look at antler size when trying to field judge a deer's age, nor do I consider the antler size when looking at trail cam pics when determining my guess at the age. Usually by looking at the body shape can get fairly close.

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Age and score this buck?


It's impossible to age a buck based on simply the antlers.

I agree that at a check station so many people will say their buck is a certain age but in reality I'd say less than 5% of all hunters can accurately judge deer on the hoof up to 4.5 years old consistently. For the most part people misjudge deer to be 1 year older than they really are at 2.5 and 3.5.

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