Oklahoma hunting


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I hunt in northern OK, and southern KS. I have seen 4 good bucks, one a dandy! I grunted, rattled, snort wheezed, and nothing! I saw a nice 10 come into a food plot and snort wheeze at a 4 pointer, and had an 8 snort wheeze at a 6 on a deer feeder. I guess it's how they show their aggression, and time of season does not have much to do. We have about another week or so, they should start reacting to grunts and rattling. I head to McAlester wednesday, hoping to hit the pre-rut, they've only harvested 1 P&Y so far.

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This is an interpretive summary of the Titles 29 and 800 of Oklahoma statutes governing fish and wildlife laws as established by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and contains those rules that affect the average hunter. For a complete listing of official regulations, you can obtain copies of current Oklahoma statutes through your local library.

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