Team Realtree Challenge Hunt Public


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I enjoy watching your monster buck video's and I can see that your all seasoned hunters. However, your lacking in one area... Public Land Hunting.

Most of your hunts are on private lands, or hunting with guided outfitter's that have done most of the work for you. Your not giving the hard core blue collar working man who has to hunt high pressured public lands during the peak of the rut rifle season a break when you show off those monster buck's in Montana, Wyoming, Iowa, etc.

Try coming to Oklahoma during the rifle season, and hunt without the benefit of trail camera's and atv's. Drive up to the parking area where there are six or more other hunters going into the same area, and walk in 2 miles or more to harvest a deer.

Use some real woodsmanship to track and find the deer inside these high pressure cooker Public Wildlife Management Area's in Oklahoma and make a video about that. I can bet you the price of the deer tag that you will find it difficult to harvest even a antlerless deer, doe, or buck under the circumstances that I have been faced with to hunt high pressured WMA's here in Oklahoma.

Keep it real, Team Realtree.

:cool2: Mark.

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Team Realtree Challenge Hunt Public


Welcome to the forums. I do not work for Realtree nor represent them but I would like to comment here.

I do not think anyone argues the degree of difficulty when hunting public ground. There are a few things you can do to improve your success. One would be to pick up bowhunting. Public land receives far less pressure during bow seasons. The second is to outwork your competition. Killing a big deer doesn't happen consistently by being the average hunter. We all know no matter where you hunt big deer do not grow on trees, not even in the Midwest.

I would suggest talking with your DNR regarding their properties and gain information from them. Being friends with the DNR is a big advantage!

Hunt weekdays- far less hunters go out during the week.

Scout the area in Jan/Feb. Deer sign is most visible during these months.

Network with people-you never know when you meet someone what type of connection they have that could benefit you!

Knock on doors-the worst someone can say is no.

The difference between average and great is most defined by work ethic. Outwork your fellow hunters and good things will come! Good luck on your season!


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Welcome to the forums. I do not work for Realtree nor represent them but I would like to comment here.

I do not think anyone argues the degree of difficulty when hunting public ground. There are a few things you can do to improve your success. One would be to pick up bowhunting. Public land receives far less pressure during bow seasons. The second is to outwork your competition. Killing a big deer doesn't happen consistently by being the average hunter. We all know no matter where you hunt big deer do not grow on trees, not even in the Midwest.

I would suggest talking with your DNR regarding their properties and gain information from them. Being friends with the DNR is a big advantage!

Hunt weekdays- far less hunters go out during the week.

Scout the area in Jan/Feb. Deer sign is most visible during these months.

Network with people-you never know when you meet someone what type of connection they have that could benefit you!

Knock on doors-the worst someone can say is no.

The difference between average and great is most defined by work ethic. Outwork your fellow hunters and good things will come! Good luck on your season!


Welcome to RT Mark. This has been brought up several times. I know what you say is's a tough hunt, but who would buy a DVD with little chance of seeing a deer kill? Sponsors drive the machine, like it or not, they want big bucks killed using their stuff.

Yep and yep.

Welcome to the forums.

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Mark, 1st welcome to the forums... Secondly, the challenge is a hard one for sure . My specialty is DIY hunts in west ,mid west so I feel your pain, Many tag sandwiches to say the least. But where the problem comes on public ground is that Realtree and many other companies have a lot invested in travel, lodging ,airfare etc and look for a place that they can have the best chance for a kill . And as you know public land isn't easy at all hope this makes sense for you tim

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Welcome to the forums. I know the frustrations of hunting public land all too well. There is a large conservation area near where I live in MO and every year we get hundreds of "hunters" from the city in for gun season and there are no spots in the woods to be found. Also, in AR, the WMA's where I hunt are closed for gun season so no luck there either. Going during the week or going door to door is probably your best option, but that can be hard at times too. You might be able to find some public land that nobody knows about. I would check with your local U.S Army Corps of Engineers, or you State Wildlife Agency to get more info on that. Good luck!

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Mark, I agree to an extent. I have private land and public I hunt. I work on public land, the two biggest deer I have shot came off public land. The problem I see with hunters on public land is persitance, effort and knowledge. They come out 3-4 days a year and expect to shoot a deer and have no knowledge of deer movement, natural food sources, and very few ask. Keep in mind tv shows are in it for one thing, $$$! Success = sales. I do bet they put more time in the stand than the average public land hunter though. Who wants to see someone hunt the same tree for 2.5 months out of a 3 month season, see 3 maybe 4 deer, but end up killing a P&Y 8 point, not too many, and not too many public land hunters put that much into hunting either. So it kind of goes both ways. I see where the big deer are, and watch public land hunters hunt them, 2-3 weeks top, and they give up.

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I wish him the best of luck.... maybe if he's up for the challenge he'll try NY or VT public land. lol he thought okie land was tough. I saw some nice bucks driving around public land when I was out there. the grass is always greener on the other side. i'm with him though public land is tough regardless. lots of other stuff you have to deal with aside from the tough to figure out deer.

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Hoosier I should have read your post! You hit the nail on the head, although bowhunters are WAY more dedicated than rifle hunters, and alot of rifle hunters are bowhunters, they usually fill their tags. The rifle only hunters usually have a harder time though. Public land is not as hard as he was complaining about. Our muzzleloading season was slim pickings, not a lot of hunters. Although that can be + or -, keep deer moving, or no one is walking on you.

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