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Re: Gobblin?


I've heard tale of some guys hearing them here already. I've no reason to doubt that. But it was 10 degrees out this morning. I ain't that curious to go outside and hear for myself yet. smirk.gif

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Kind of warm there, I had -7 this am I am sure they were quiet or their beeks were frozen shut.


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Guest trakker

Re: Gobblin?

Here in Missouri I have seen a few gobblers strutting in the fields on the way to work, I went out on one of the warm mornings just to listen and check the cameras and heard nothing ,maybe in a couple of weeks?

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Guest beardsNspurs

Re: Gobblin?

Well Ozarkgal send em up this way. I live up in the northeast corner of MO and have been out twice on good mornings and haven't heard a peep yet. The gobblers are still together...payin no attention to the hens. No struttin, no gobblin, no fightin, no nothing yet. Hopefully they get fired up soon. The youth season isn't too far away!!

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Guest DaHunter

Re: Gobblin?

Well i saw my first sign of turkeys goin this morning, alltho the feild was mostly snow covered i saw 2 toms struting away. Alltho this was 20 miles from my house where theres little snow, we've got a ton of snow still so i doubt that there will be any around here. But now i am tempted too go out this weekend and listen! lol

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