Starting over...again


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This year i started off feeding deer and setting up a cam at my grandpas house with is 2 houses west of mine. Due to all the rain we got the back part where i was feeding them got flooded and the deer stopped traveling through there to avoid the water so i had to move to dry ground. The place i got to set everything up on is between my buddies house and mine in the 5 acres that borders the east side of my property. Well since i've known him he hasnt ever let me hunt it hes just let me feed there if i wanted to. This year he told me that i could hunt it because he enjoys to hunt every once in a while. So i started feeding there just a couple weeks into season which started august 5th, he helped out at first buying corn, checking cams etc well that stopped in the beginning of september and he went total hands off from there on out. What happened was i went in there yesterday morning to hunt and got a text about 8:30 saying "hey you up? Want to meet at the corn?" Immediately knew something was up so i said im hunting and we'd meet up after i then got a reply "where you hunting at?" I told him the stand i set up a while back and not 15 minuets later he cranks up his mower. He has nothing to mow in his back yard its all dirt! It then shut off for about a minute then cranks up by this tim its about 9:00 and i've had enough so i decided to pull my cam and set it back up at my grandpas. I went home, ate, then went to my grandpas set up a feeder and he texted me at 10 and said "are you out?" I told him yes and he asked if i wanted to walk back in to meet him so i said sure. So we walked in i pulled the camera and asked what he was doin that day just to make conversation on the way back to my house he said he had to work at 2 but had a guy coming out at 11. As we were walking to my house we stopped at a blind that was his but we both set up late august and hunted out of 1 time. He pulled it down and wanted me to walk back down the trail a ways to he could drop it off then we could go check the cam adding to my suspicion. I asked what the guy was driving out to his house for because we dont really live "in town" so to say. He said its the youth pastor from his church and that he told him he could hunt our woods monday morning! Worse than that he told me he said he could hunt my stand!!! Without even asking me! That made it final. I pulled my blind, my cam, and im going to pull my stand. I put all the money, time, and sweat into it then he tells someone they can hunt my stand without asking after not doing one thing in them woods for almost 4 months. He set up his blind today so he wont be in my stand but still. I called him today and told him that im pulling everything and that i feel he kinda screwed me. I also said that if the guy did have better luck than me and get something that i was some meat. I put the camera at my grandpas today so hopefully i can get some pictures after starting over for the second time this year. Sorry for the rant and long post still just a little mad.

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Starting over...again

Yea, it's not cool to let someone in without talking with you first. Sounds like you need to get the situation set in stone or vacate. I had a similar situation and before putting my time and effort into the land spoke with the landowner to get things straight. The terms were not fair not were they to my liking so i never hunted the land or put any effort into it. Good luck!

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