Question For NY Bowhunters


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I have never hunted NY, but might like to someday and was just told that if I intend to hunt NY with my bow I have to take a NY Bow Certification Class in order to bow hunt in NY is this true ???? If so it's not a biggy becuase one of our local bowshops is holding a free class this summer which I intend on taking if this Certification is biggy in my opinion, I just want to be prepared if I ever get the chance to hunt with one of you great guys to my west..... smile.gifsmile.gif....any info on this would be greatly appriciated.....THANKS

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

I don't mind investing the 18 hrs that are required for the course...I just don't see what will be so different from the course that Vermont gives....

An instructor from NY is coming over here to Vermont to give the NY Bow Certification course, I just don't understand what is so different about their course compared to our course....

It can't be a money thing becuase the course is free...

So I take it that this NY Bow Certification is required then ????

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

This is the wording copied from the CT DEP website I thought all states were like this.

All bowhunters must show proof when purchasing a small game/deer archery permit that they have completed the CE/FS bowhunting course (since 1982) or its equivalent from another state or country. If you have previously purchased a 2002, or later, Connecticut bowhunting license you have already provided such proof.

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

I just copied this fron the New Yourk DEC website. Maybe it will help.

Bowhunter Education: Hunters wishing to bowhunt must take an additional 8 hour minimum bowhunter education course. DEC also honors bowhunter education certificates issued by:

National Field Archery Association or National Bowhunter Education Foundation or International Bowhunter Education Program issued in 1974 or later in any state or country,

Any state or provincial fish and wildlife agency (certificate or card must specify the course was for bowhunting and not a general hunting course with a bowhunting segment),

Ontario Bowhunters Association (on green or brown letterhead stationery with moosehead-bow and arrow emblem until July 31, 1987), or

Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (on letterhead after August 1, 1987).

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

Dave, the instructor that they are having come here is going to hold a 2 day class a total of 16 that seems steep to me.... grin.gifgrin.gif

But hey it's FREE and maybe it will be fun.....If I can get a whole weekend off from work,,,, six day work weeks are brutal, doesnt leave much time for extra activity... frown.gif

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

Luke I had to go check on this for you at our local town office and I found out some things for you:

The lady at our local town office said:

If he can show me he has another bowhunting license in another state she would issue you one. But she also said that it would be better for you to try to get a license online through the D.E.C.A.L.S. system that way you could go as far as you needed to to find out exactly what "The System Requires"...and then just cancel the purchase at the end.


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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters


Luke, Does this mean you will be attending the smackdown in the Adirondacks this year ?????

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This is my intetion if I can get the time off from work, I really would like to meet some of the people here, we'll have to see what NY requires as far as testing or whatnot.....$110 isn't that bad for some fun with friends and maybe a deer... smile.gifsmile.gif

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

if you have one in your state it's good in any state....i moved to ny from nj and had no problem as long as you took a course.

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters


as long as you took a course.

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This is the problem,,,,I was never required to take a Bow Course here in Vermont,,I was Gran Fathered in before this state mandated it into state law here.....But I do and have a valid bow license for the state of Vermont......this is where the confusion comes into play even tho I have a valid bow license am I required to take the NY Bow Certification Course ?? or is my VALID Vermont Bow License enough ???

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

LMBO...Jim "Treated the camps water supply" a little bit heavy with chlorine.....lets just say that the coffee that he made was slightly on the Pool Water side of the taste bud range grin.gif

Oh yeah...and if BucknRut goes outside with a gallon jug of water in the morning...DO NOT FOLLOW HIM...LOL

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