Question For NY Bowhunters


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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

Cmon Gary ... one little slip up and you won't let me forget it. Ha Ha. I have learned my lesson. I know what water to use now.

But last year was an awesome time. We had 10 guys total and did a little hunting and shot the bows. This year I plan on having more treestands, more ladder sticks, and hopefully a decent food plot, maybe two. It should be a blast.

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

This is turning into a "Smackdown 2" thread.

BTW, will there be a "Spring Clean UP" day Jim?

GW, you just wait... Gonna take my jug out in the AM regardless! I'll be sure to check for trail cams this year though!

As for our VT friends, you could always pass on the license and do the camp cooking! grin.gif

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters


Now I don't know what scares me more Gary or the thing with the jug,,,,,, crazy.gifcrazy.gif

What do you think Josh,,,Is this crew safe or even stable enough for us to try and be around ???? grin.gifgrin.gif

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OOOOOOOOOOO The Vermonsteers are talking Smack now eh.......BRING IT (and your maple syrup) down to SmackDown Town and we'll see baby!!!

Kids These Days grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

OK Gary, now I know the Cabin Fever has set in....I was watching TV and all I could hear were Crows,,LOTS of Crows way too MANY Crows..... grin.gifgrin.gif

So I just snapped and grabbed the Winchester Pump and a couple boxes of HOME BREW #4 Magnums,,,,and sat in a snow bank out back and just unloaded on these big mouth babbling birds...before I knew it 2 Boxes were gone the barrel was steaming and I felt a whole lot better, and then realized I hadn't taken the Turkey choke out that Gator had sent me,,,,MAN i FEEL SORRY FOR THOSE TURKEYS if one happens to make a mistake and show me it's head in May..... smile.gifsmile.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters


See, I was just asking what this thing was all about, then the New Yorkers had to go and blast the Green Mountain state and worse yet, The Green Mountain Boys.

This is war!!!!!!!

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LOL....WAR....If I remember my histoery right Josh didn't we win the last battle involving NY....( Ticondoroga )..... grin.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters

OUCH ! OUCH !! OK boys heres the low down on the license question,,,

I emailed the NYSDEC and this is the response I got.

Even tho I hold a VALID Vermont Bow Hunting License, and was never required by Vermont Hunting regs to take a Bow Hunting Saftey Course before it's induction to Vermont, I will be required to take a NY Bow Hunting Saftey Course with no less than the minimun of 8hrs. that are required. BUMMER !! frown.giffrown.gif

and with my time restrictions due to work this is going to be a tough or near to impossible task without missing time from work..... frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif

So for all of you boys and gals that haven't taken a Bow Hunters Saftey course and show proof with a certificate and are intending to Bow Hunt NY anytime soon you better seek a class and attend..

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters



We had to give stole our women!!!!

Now, you guys have to see Jen at this lodge!!!!

Does the memory of the Purple Dinosaur bring back to mind anything?

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GW It looks like Dan is putting on a little weight. grin.gif

Vermont boys - get r done. We would really love to have you at the smackdown this year.

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters


LMBO...Jim "Treated the camps water supply" a little bit heavy with chlorine.....lets just say that the coffee that he made was slightly on the Pool Water side of the taste bud range

Oh yeah...and if BucknRut goes outside with a gallon jug of water in the morning...DO NOT FOLLOW HIM...LOL

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Remember Jim - 1 GALLON of clorox per 100 FEET of well. So thats like a teaspoon in your water TANK!!!

The whole purpose of the Spring Fling is to take some tarps and make a "shower" stall for Art! By the way - it looks like he works out! shocked.gif

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Re: Question For NY Bowhunters



LMBO...Jim "Treated the camps water supply" a little bit heavy with chlorine.....lets just say that the coffee that he made was slightly on the Pool Water side of the taste bud range

Oh yeah...and if BucknRut goes outside with a gallon jug of water in the morning...DO NOT FOLLOW HIM...LOL

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Remember Jim - 1 GALLON of clorox per 100 FEET of well. So thats like a teaspoon in your water TANK!!!

The whole purpose of the Spring Fling is to take some tarps and make a "shower" stall for Art! By the way - it looks like he works out! shocked.gif

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Wow Dan - It sounds like you got a better look than what you originally posted. I think you will have to sleep downstairs with Dave and GW next time.

I promise not to touch the water anymore, its been treated to reverse out the chlorine. Geez !!!!

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