Muzzleloaders are a ton of fun!!


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118 and 103 dressed. Both had fawns and both jaws looked to be 3 1/2 yrs. old.

I bought that Encore a number of years ago. It sat on the shelf at Gander Mt. for a while and when I would go in there I just couldn't take my eyes off it. It has been a tack driver, and a pretty one at that. Within a year or so after I bought it is when T/C came out with the prohunter line. My brother has the stainless/composite FX Encore and he likes it. But when putting his and mine side by side, there is no comparison that mine is of higher quality. I am really glad I bought it when I did. The FX is still a top notch Encore but you can tell they altered it toward the lower end a bit.

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