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Re: Cluck--Click---Boom!

I've had a few like that but they are all magical, even the ones that outsmart ya! I suppose the quickest hunt was less than a minute from the time I sat down. Those kind of hunts come around to everyone that stays after 'em but thankfully they are far and few between. Don't think I'd like it as much if they were all that easy.

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Re: Cluck--Click---Boom!

Probably 15 years Dad's first spring gobbler. I had roosted 2 toms on the same limb the night before. I left them at 9:30 PM and they were still gobbling! They started up before 5:00 AM and must have gobbled 500 times before flydown. In less than 5 minutes from flydown, we had two toms a-floppin' 25 yards in front of us and less than 15 feet from one another!!

It don't get any better than that. grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Cluck--Click---Boom!

My first turkey hunt ever. Set-up on opening day, it was my first turkey hunt ever and they were gobbling. I called to them for one hour and they were there. touched off the shot and both my tags for the spring season were filled in the first hour of of my first turkey hunt with one shot.

I've been hooked ever since.

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Re: Cluck--Click---Boom!

Well, that would be my first bird. I knew where they were roosting and I moved in before sunup. I got to within 100 yds of their tree, set up my decoy and when it got light enough I did one or two soft calls just to let him know where I was. He flew down, landed 15 yds from my decoy and started towards it, probably to kick some ars. I shot him before he got the chance. I was on my way home at 6:30.

In hindsight I wish I'd have let him fart around with the decoy for a while because that is a lot of fun, but I guess I had the turkey fever.

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Re: Cluck--Click---Boom!

Got out of truck and hit crow call. One gobbled straight up in front of me on the top of a ridge. Climbed to top of the ridge. Set down. I Yelped. He Gobbled. He came into sight. I shot. He fell! All in all maybe a 30 minute hunt around 10:00. Actually it took longer for me to hike up the mountain than it did for him to come in.

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Re: Cluck--Click---Boom!

Last year. I was filling deer feeders and it happened to be opening day of the Spring season. I was working on one feeder and every time I banged something metal or made a loud noise a turkey would gobble. After I finished my work, I got my gun and a box call out of the truck and walked off about 100 yards. I squatted down behind a bush and clucked a few times. I got immediate answers from several directions. I kept calling almost non stop and within 10 minutes I had 2 big toms in front of me. I shot the closest one. Nice bird, 9 inch beard and over 20 pounds. Tasted great that night too!!!

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Re: Cluck--Click---Boom!

i've had 3 perfect flew down in front of me, i stalked up to the brush pile and it wasnt 10 minutes after that, then i went to one area...... sat down, decided i would yelp just in case, 10 minutes later i was walking out, total hunt 20-30 min., that was walking in time too, lol.....then the first one i ever took, came in gobbled, did his thing, then he walked away, sister callled him back in and boom, but that was around 9, the other 2 i ws out of the woods by 7.......

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