New Mexico Elk


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Leaving early Wednesday morning, heading to Raton, NM taking my 72 year old ex-boss and son cow elk hunting on the Vermejo Park Ranch. All I will be shooting is the camera, it should be a great time. My old boss hasn't been hunting since he was a young adult in Pennsilvania, and Jake hasn't gotten to go hunting in a couple of years due to college.

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they will be herded up in an area with less than 2' of snow. lower, down near the hay meadows. check with the local ranchers who are getting their grass eaten. they will know where the elk are. don't hesitate to ask. also, all the area ranchers will know the others, and will tell you who is having problems. has is $200 a ton now, and the ranchers want the elk killed.

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Thanks Steve but we were hunting on the Vermejo Park Ranch near Raton. They assign you to units of the ranch to hunt. We saw 16 bulls today which brought the 2 1/2 day total to over 25 bulls and no cows. Bunch of deer & turkeys also. The snow was spotty, but not over about 6 - 8 inches in the areas that still held it. Had a little weather come in this afternoon which got them moving early, just not the ones we needed. Still had fun and have a ton of pictures that I will sort through and get some posted.

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