Electronic caller, best one?

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My dad is looking to get a GOOD electronic caller to use for coyotes but would also like to find one that can be used for various other animals. We have no experience with this type of call but we do know it helps bring in the coyotes. Money is not unlimited, but would like to find something that works really well and is worth the money when it comes to the speaker, remote controlled, various sounds/animals, etc . Any ideas or suggestions on what would be a good brand and model? Thank you in advance.

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  • 2 years later...

Went into new area this morning, asked the landowner for permission. He is having problems with coyotes and wolves taking out his cattle. I was told if I could bring him one or the other I could hunt, 3 hrs later knocked on his door with a wolf on my endgate give it to the farmer and I got a new place to hunt all thanks to my Primos good product so is Foxpro, it just depends on what you want spend.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey WestKYTeacher,

I would recommend getting yourself a programmable electronic coyote call. This will allow you to upload what ever sounds to your call you could possibly want for other animals. That will give you the ultimate variety when it comes to hunting. I would recommend the Primos Alpha Dogg, which can store up to 1000 calls in its stock memory. It's got great ergonomic design, it looks cool, it's rugged, and it's loud.


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