Please pray

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Last July, my step-mom of 31 years was not feeling right. She was having headaches and her judgment was off. She went to a local hospital and they did some scans and they found a large brain tumor, that night she was sent to the main hospital at Halifax Nova Scotia and the next morning they operated and removed most of it but could not get it all since it was attached to her brain. Last fall she had six weeks of radiation treatment and then chemo pills. Yesterday she went to find out about the MRI they did last week, due to swelling they could not determine if the tumor has shrunk or grown back. She has to take more pills and wait another week for another MRI. It has been a long battle.

My step-mom was a secretary most of her life and she has always looked after our lobster business payroll and books. Her vision is bad now and her memory as well. The not being able to do the things that she always has is really bothering her.

I am really hoping that things work out and that we can enjoy a few more years with her, she just turned 60 last April.

If you can think of her and throw out a prayer ........... Thanks :)

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