NEW Helios Vane


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I enjoy seeing new stuff like this that is cutting edge different.

EDIT from original post for I found a video here:

Is it the same one on the web page?

I dislike Nockturnal nocks. I gave them a try and found them to be unreliable. What I do like about this product is that I can use the vanes without their nocks. I may give them a try but I get pretty good results from my Blazers.

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You would think that would be the case but I haven't heard a peep from Nocturnal since my inquiry .... :(

Ummm well if they cannot answer before a purchase, gonna guess after the purchase probably won't be any better. Customer service does not exist with some companies these says, pretty sad.

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OK, so after zero response from them on their web site email ,,, I posted this on their Facebook page early this morning before I left for work ( 3:45 am )

" OK, I'll try this here after no response by email on Nocturnals main site .... I use the whisker bisquit rest on my bow and would like to try out the Helios Vane. But before I invest a lot of money in a new vane I would like to test it out, and was wondering if I could get atleast one vane to run through the paces of the whisker bisquit rest. I eagerly await a response .... Thank You ... "

I see they have posted no less than 4 hours ago on their Facebook Page and the post was for advertising this vane ,,,, but STILL NO RESPONSE to my inquiry, yep I think I'm being ignored ... lol

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  • 1 month later...

To this date I still haven't heard a peep from Nocturnal, what a disappointment indeed, I would have thought they would have jumped all over some actual feedback from the consumer end of things, guess not. But I have posted on their Facebook page one more time requesting one vane to try out. Lets see what happens.

Edited by VermontHunter
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How much $$$ are you looking at here? I would think you could buy a pack of them, test 1, and kept them if they worked. If you don't like them, you could sell them (over on and get most of your $$$ back...just a thought.

ONLY $30.00 for six from what info I could find .... You think I should still invest 100% the funds for a product that has yet been tested through the rest I use. I'm not trying t be a smart "A", just asking. I will say this, if these are as good as they claim them to be, YES I would drop the $30 for the product.

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Why yes I did now that you mention it ,,, I have yet to hear from Nocturnal.

Blazer Vanes have yet to fail me, but sure would like to try out this new vane for myself, but they are going to be very pricey ....

Good luck with that. After my Nockturnal Nock failed and I lost my arrow, I sent them an email asking what I did wrong. They got back to me after about a month.

I seen a few threads over on AT about Nockturnals failing also.

Well Luke, this is JMO, but after reading what you are going through with getting an answer, and what a few of the guys above have mentioned about parts failing/poor customer service/etc I would be looking elsewhere for something new...

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