We riding thru the club property last weekend.....


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and as our road system passes thru several clubs, saw one club that had those 300.00 dollar blinds set out and not twenty yards from them, in the prettiest clover you can imagine, sat corn feeders confused.gif

Now, it's still legal to feed turks ( all corn must be gone by March 16th. But for the life of me, I couldn't understand why go to the trouble when there's enough clover to feed a hundred turks. By the way, all that flew off as I passed were buzzards and crows. After I finished patterning for the day, I drove back by and saw the members to that club and they were gathering them up. I was glad to see that. Sure hope they don't get too bored sittin' in those blinds waitin' for a tom to walk by......... tongue.gif

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Guest WhiteHead

Re: We riding thru the club property last weekend.....

redbeard, some of them hunter are lazy, sounds like

maybe you can talk sweet talk to them turks and they stay on your side, what do you think

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