Superbowl prediction...


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if the NFL reschedules the game because of weather than ill say the Broncos. if its played in the elements like it should be then i will go with the Seahawks. If the game does get rescheduled than i will not watch it. Seems like it would be a gift for the Broncos and Manning since everybody knows how terrible he is in bad conditions. Score I will say 27-24 Hawks if it isn't moved and if it is 30-24 Broncos.

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Hopefully it plays like a normal game and not be affected by poor officiating and overly thuggish antics. I hate thuggery. I also hate football being sissified more and more.

I guess I would like to see Peyton take it home. I've always had a good impression of him and what he stands for.

Why don't they just require an annual pilgrimage to Lambeau to earn the Lombardi Trophy. After all, it is the birthplace. Then weather won't matter, it will always be crappy!

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