first one in the area!

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

there have been rumors flying around the area that there was a turkey living inthe area. well I did not bleave it, well untill sunday. here along the road where it had been spoted before was a jake standing feeding onthe side of the road. seems there is a tom as well. sad thing, people have been feeding it. hello it is a wild animal. seems that cause it is the first one, people around here think they need to feed it in order to keep it around. well there was a reasion why it showed up in the first place. i did see that the jake was limping. seems he had a run in with something.

I have been thinking about calling the dnr and report into them, inhopes that they can stop the free handouts. what do you think?

it is so cool to see a wild turkey.


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Re: first one in the area!

that's good news, not that long ago no one in my area of Ohio even thought about them, now they're hear in large numbers thanks to our DNR.

I'd contact yours and let them know, they might even take steps to ensure more inhabit your neck of the woods.

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Re: first one in the area!

I remember when Ohio DNR was trying to re-establish turkey in all counties up here. Well, if you're familiar with Lucas county, there isn't too much woods up there, but my wife's family owns 70-some acres in Monclova and about 20 acres of it is Swan Creek bottoms. Some of the released turkeys made it to that bottom, and my wife's aunt was regularly feeding the "wild" turkeys that wandered onto her property.

Jokingly one day I asked if I could hunt them--man, you would have thought I was part of the Charles Manson mob, she about had a hissy fit. grin.gif

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Re: first one in the area!

They get introduced and all is well, but they need to be managed: North Dakota had more insurance claims on turkey/vehicle collisions then they did on deer/car collisions...once they show up they need to be managed....Contact your DNR and tell them about may be hunting turkeys soon! :-)

I am afraid that MN is going to have turkey issues soon if they don't start harvesting more: It is an awesome site to see them! Congrats!

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: first one in the area!

we have a turkey seasion here, but there are none on private land to hunt. I spotted this one on watershead land (NO HUNTING HIM). about 30min. north along the pa line, there is a farm that i use to hunt that had turkeys on it, in fact some guys hunted there for them. had a nice flock(?) of them there.


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Re: first one in the area!

That's great!! I remember when you couldn't find a turkey in north la., I saw a couple in our pasture one day and nobody would believe me. I was young, like 10 and everybody kept telling me I was seein buzzards smile.gif Well they're there now and everybody's hunting them. smile.gif

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