Compound Bows


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Two years ago I bought a new Hoyt CRX32 Compound Bow. I tried several bows, Matthews and all and decided on the Hoyt. I simply love this bow. It shoots great and is fast enough for just about anything to hunt. Every year different manufacturers come out with new bows. I know of people that get new bows every year, just sounds senseless to me. I found a great bow and would never change unless something happened to it. I was just wondering what motivated someone to buy a new bow every year instead of using the bow they had already bought. Just wondering....

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Pretty much what i have found is its just a way to sell your old one and get a new one for possibly nothing. Also if they are a staff shooter than its just to promote the new line up. Also a lot of people buy into all the speed and what everyone else is shooting as opposed to shooting whats comfortable to them.

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There aren't too many bowhunters here that buy a new bow every year. I certainly don't. Who knows what motivates someone to do that! We can only speculate but I suspect Martin is REAL close to the truth. Like Martin...I don't sail with that fleet either.

The last bow I bought was 3 years ago. Why? So I could upgrade to a hunting bow pulling ~60# and shooting at least as fast as my older bow pulling 70#. Shooting the same arrows too. It's actually a little faster and a whole lot easier to draw, especially sitting down. Old age is creeping in on me.

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Two years ago I bought a new Hoyt CRX32 Compound Bow. I tried several bows, Matthews and all and decided on the Hoyt. I simply love this bow. It shoots great and is fast enough for just about anything to hunt. Every year different manufacturers come out with new bows. I know of people that get new bows every year, just sounds senseless to me. I found a great bow and would never change unless something happened to it. I was just wondering what motivated someone to buy a new bow every year instead of using the bow they had already bought. Just wondering....

Something new and fun to tinker with. I'm not just a bowhunter, I'm an Archer and I love to work on my own bows. There are those of us that creep over here from Archerytalk every once in a while and a lot of us are frequently buying new/used bows just because we love bows and want something new to play with. We do what we love. ;)

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you don't need to buy a new one every year. for some it's just a luxury they like to spend money on. I don't buy one every year but I do have newer ones. I've got a primary hunting bow that's a 2011, a outdoor 3D/back up hunting bow that's a 2013, and a 2008 indoor target bow, and a recurve that's a 2013.

I will say that the archery industry is cut throat just as any other. newer bows in general are faster, draw better, can be more quiet, and have characteristics that will just plain allow you to shoot better. that said I don't know of a hunting bow out there that couldn't get the job done if setup and used in the right hands. it's all a subjective choice on when you should upgrade.

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