Forum members meeting up


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I was just thinking of this while i read and posted in the topic of FORUM TEE SHIRTS . I'm pretty sure this has been posted before, but there are a few new members in here . How many forum members have accidently bumped into other forum members , or how many forum members meet up from time to time ? PLEASE when you post can you state if the meet up was accidently or by meeting up with each other .

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Forum members meeting up

Never accidentally met any members but i have met some and even hunted with a few. I bowhunted with Randy. Took my oldest daughter and hunted with Steve Beilgard.

We let Becky (ladydiehard) hunt here on our farm a few times, she moved back to Wisconsin and have not seen her on here in a few years. I took a disabled member here once, his name was Steve member name was Atlanta braves fan or something like that.

I have talked with several members on the phone.

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I have met several members from Oklahoma and Texas during archery tournaments, hunts, forum meet n greets. Also met several members during my work travels to Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Indiana. Probably 25 or more over the years. Hard to believe that I have known some of you guys for 13 years!

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Dawg, redkneck, and I met together for lunch a couple of years ago. Haven't met anyone else yet but that will change soon when Tim, colorado bob, and I meet in Kansas to turkey hunt next month. May get a chance to meet Gary (need2hunt) in Missouri this spring if our schedules work out.

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Lots of good memories with forum members! Never accidental since I live pretty far away from most. Got together a few times with Muff and RangerClay for golfing and ice fishing. Think we should get together and golf this spring guys. For the life of me I can't remember Brian's forum name that came up with Ranger that time.

Met Ken (Swamphunter) a couple times, he came up bear hunting with his buddy Ed (again another forum member's name I can't remember). Also met Ken's kids Aspen and Blade briefly when we met up down near the border when I picked Ken up some .22 Ammo when you guys were having your ammo shortage.

Also met Mathews XT Man, Ashley and her mom.

Bigmoss is from Ottawa, met up with him a few years ago for a couple of pints.

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