New bow strings ?


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if you take good care of your string you won't be able to visually see it is unless you shoot it. I say this because after each or every other shooting session you should put a light coat of wax on the string. get good soft wax (I use BCY X-wax) then just spread it evenly along the whole string. don't worry about rubbing it that hard to get it worked into the string, it's already in there from the factory and the frictional heat on the strands doesn't help them. despite what some might think this is more important for hunters than target archers in my opinion. I say this because the wax acts as a barrier, preventing it for getting in between the strands which causes more wear. when re-applying you'll notice you can strip the dirty wax from the string. even if the string is frayed you won't see it with the wax on, but it'll start getting really fuzzy after you've shot and before you re-apply wax. some strings get little whiskers even when new, especially with faster bows. to tell if your string needs replacing inspect around where things are tied in, like your peep. if you've got longer pieces coming off of it (1/4" or so) then some strands may have broken. also most new better quality strings don't allow for peep rotation. if you try to rotate the peep with your fingers it'll rotate back to where it was once you let go. if your string is getting worn out you can rotate it and it'll stay in place and not go back to it's original position.

it's somewhat subjective on when it should be replaced but a new string will give you quieter and more performance. another thing save the headache and replace the whole set of strings and cables and not just the string you nock your arrow too.

Edited by dbHunterNY
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.... or the serving separation gets bad. A good string that's waxed regularly should easily last a few years.

I agree unless you're shooting it year round and not just in proximity to hunting season. I shot one of mine with premium strings all year long and it lasted 2 years. it probably had 4800 shots out of it but it was definitely showing where in the serving, fuzz, and peep rotation.

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I was told once not to put wax over the monofilament wraps why is that

I think your talking about monofilament serving? I've never used it. I don't bother with putting wax over serving if it gets on it then so be it but yea. when I do serve a string I run it across the wax first though. not sure why I don't but I guess I wouldn't want wax to catch dirt between each thread of serving. wax acts as a barrier but also can hold dirt too. sorry I guess I don't have a better answer.

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I was always told that if you wax the serving it can actually loosen your serving and cause you problems. My Hoyt is actually in the shop for some cam lean and timing issues. I'm looking at a string replacement this year myself. Noticing my speeds dropped a fair amount and my arrows were flying erratic.

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